Resource Index

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Resource Title Contributed By Added Updated
Cadbury Easter Eggs Jane Johnson
Calculating percentages as quantities Margaret Adams
Calculating with analogue time Tony Jenkins
Calculating with Time Karen Foot
Calendars and questions Maggie Harnew
Call My Bluff Ginny Anderson
Capacity Lotto Karen Hannah
Capello Euro 2012 apostrophes Kate Lindley
Capello Gerrard World Cup apostrophes Rachel Emmett
Capital letter (proper noun) dominoes Billy Wood
Capital letter (proper noun) dominoes - version 2 Emma Gentili
Capital letters Emma Shaw
Capital Letters - Rules Jacqui Wallis
Capital letters consequences game Ruth North
Capital letters practice Gill Gallagher
Capital letters recap Leia Fee
Captain Tom reading, writing & SLC tasks Laura Bell
Capture that Springtime Optimism Anne-Marie O'Reilly
Car Adverts Functional English Carrie Bray
Car Ferry - Functional Maths Laurence Fletcher
Car park survey pictogram creator John Thompson B
Car percentage activities Saul Pope
Car Service L2 Functional ICT Karen Foot
Car servicing Functional Maths problems Gaye Noel
Car Tax Functional Skills - detailed reading Dianne Tooley
Caravan winner Craig Sullivan
Card game - listening to and following instructions Jo Williams
Cardinal and ordinal number jigsaw Andrea McCulloch
Care workers vocabulary jigsaw Pauline Bicker
Carpentry vocabulary Rachel Emmett
Cars tally slideshow Matthew Tiller
Cartoon concepts - colds and flu Yvonne Long
Cash machine Functional English tasks Sue Cawdron
Cat Cafes Gayle Charles
Cat prepositions Sarah Horsley
Catching crooks with Xbox 360s! Ginette Kriche
Cats exploit humans by purring Dave Norgate
Caught in the Act! Janet Wilkins
Cavity wall construction Gill Gallagher
Celebrating Diwali Louise Swain
Celebrity BMI Janet Wilkins
Celebrity BMI step by step Instructions and information sheets Melissa Dura
Celebrity shoppers - money worksheets Gemma Holtam
ch words Sonia Carroll
Character building Marc Young
Character Profile Rebecca Hague
Character sketch Janet Wilkins
Charity shop maths Gabrielle Adnitt
Charlie's horse Marion Martin
Charlie's Mum Crossword Margaret Adams
Check your Functional Skills learning Maggie Harnew
Chemical and thermal burns Laura Jeffrey Kiiza
Chicken Paprika adverbs quiz Jim Gourlay
Children in Need Amanda Burgess
Children in Need - for ESOL Peter Clements
Children's club Functional English writing task Alison Hastilow
Chinese customs Philip Mansfield
Chomwell Green house for sale Maggie Harnew
Choosing between addition & subtraction Janet Wilkins
Choosing sensible units Dave Norgate
Chris Moyles in numbers George Wormald
Christmas celebrations around the world Carrie Bray
Christmas Concert Entry Level Functional English writing tasks Maggie Harnew
Christmas crossword Margaret Adams
Christmas Day cut and paste Gill Clark
Christmas Day Rail Meal - L1 English Revision Activity Roxy Ball
Christmas formative assessment E3 Skills for Life staff from South Thames College
Christmas general knowledge quiz Susan McGuinness
Christmas Gingerbread maths Anonymous
Christmas in Lapland practice writing assignment Maggie Harnew
Christmas literacy quiz Carrie Bray
Christmas maths quiz Kirstie Benefer
Christmas menu writing frame Maggie Harnew
Christmas recipe activities Judith White
Christmas songs & carols word find puzzle Margaret Adams
Christmas Star template Bryan Fitzpatrick
Christmas Trees Sarah Seddon
Christmas whole number numeracy assessment Maggie Harnew
Christmaths Quiz for E3 Amanda Kelly
Christmaths Quiz for L1 Amanda Kelly
ck words Margaret Adams
Classroom Objects - circle the intial sound Jacqui Garrett
Classroom objects - reading bingo game Jacqui Garrett
Classroom objects and numbers - bingo game Sian Evans
Classroom objects word games Ginette Kriche
Clauses and complex sentences Nabeela Shah
Clothes Maggie Harnew
Clubbing - mean and range Mark Sergison
Cocktail and smoothie ratios Fiona Campbell
Cocktail ratios Jodie Travis
Cocktails and smoothie ratios - extension tasks Stella Jales
Coded construction maths Nikki Gilbey
Colons and semi colons Janet Wilkins
Colour match activities Paola Zurawska
Colour the house Ginette Kriche
Colour the patterns Linzi Henry
Colours, Clothes and Fruit Maggie Harnew
Come Dine with Me Alison Hastilow
Comic Relief maths E3 & L1 Nicola Smith
Comma Commotion Dory Anderson
Comma quiz Dory Anderson
Commas in a list Claire Millard
Commas information and exercises Kate Lindley
Common confusables - onscreen audio quiz Andy Heath
Common homophones - 3 sets Gill Gallagher
Common homophones triangular jigsaw Pauline Bicker
Common nouns and proper nouns Kathryn Fleming
Compare measures E1 Functional Maths Chris Farrell
Comparing texts - gunpowder plot Sarah Holmes
Comparing texts L1-2 Functional English Maggie Harnew
Comparing with Comparatives - for ESOL Colleen Kelly
Complete the shopping list writing frame Maggie Harnew
Complex sentences Maggie Harnew
Complex sentences - Easter themed Eve Sheppard
Compound word card match Gemma Holtam
Compound word match jigsaw Maggie Harnew
Compound word pairs Karen Bruin
Compulsory social care bill Dave Norgate
Confusing words - sentence gamble Saul Pope
Congratulations to the GB Olympic curling teams - Wordwall quiz for E3-L2 Maggie Harnew
Conjunctions - for hairdressing students Carrie Bray
Conjunctions - putting sentences together Carrie Bray
Conjunctions exercise Laura Jeffrey Kiiza
Conjunctions matching activity Gill Clark
Conjunctive adverbs Marc Stewart
Consciousness and unconsciousness in teaching and learning Hugo Kerr
Consonant clusters Crossword (dr, tr, pr, gr) Margaret Adams
Consonant digraphs - ch, th, sh. Karen White
Construction word puzzles Ginny Anderson
Contractions apostrophe bingo Margaret Adams
Conversation and discussion Karen Beasley
Conversation skills Anne Hodgson
Conversation skills for E1 ESOL Sarah Horsley
Conversation Skills for Hair & Beauty students Carrie Bray
Conversation skills with Tennant and Tate! Jan Long
Conversion graph tasks: metres and feet Laura Addamiano
Convert measures L2 display questions Maggie Harnew
Converting between Celsius and Fahrenheit Michael Garen
Converting between fractions, decimals and percentages Pauline Bicker
Converting between metric measures Michael Garen
Converting currencies Pauline Bicker
Converting currency Ian Saunders
Converting measures Ian Saunders
Converting measures triangular jigsaw Andrea McCulloch
Converting metres to kilometres Joy Barrand
Converting metric measures of length info sheet Nikki Gilbey
Converting temperatures Pauline Bicker
Converting Time Amanda Kelly
Cooking pancakes Functional Maths Gill Lunn
Cooking verbs and recipes E1 Functional English - ESOL Kate Lindley
Cooling System - gapped exercise for Motor Vehicle students Jacqui Wallis
Cornish Robot David Pike
Coronation Functional English E1-E2 Maggie Harnew
Coronation Functional Maths E1-E2 Maggie Harnew
Coronation Street questions Emma Shaw
Coronation Street resources Karen Bruin
Cost Busters supermarket Marie Scarlett Davis
Cost of Living L2 Practice Reading Paper Stephanie Gilford
Cost of living: Sandwich costs Maggie Harnew
Cost planning sheets Gordon Noblett
Costa Concordia - inference and bias Jenny Scott
Costing a building - embedded L1 Functional Skills project Paul Anderson
Costing Paint Webquest Phil Bird
Costing toolkits Jan Robinson
Costing-up a nursery Bev Haley
Costings for one pan pasta Julie Hobson
Costs of a night out to London Deborah Proudfoot
Council loses school catchment spying tribunal Dave Norgate
Council services Liz Santry
Count and colour Linzi Henry
Count and write Linzi Henry
Counting and using money Joaquin Llorente
Counting to ten Linzi Henry
Country Foods - understanding food labels Jane Clamp
Covid-19 Reading Tasks Level 2 Laura Robinson
Covid-19 writing tasks Laura Robinson
Cowes Week Jeanette Edwards
Crazy Jack Quick Read - work scheme and worksheets Jacqueline Stamp
Create signs and student lists Ginette Kriche
Creating a basic PowerPoint - Endangered Animals Alexandra Bates and others at Essex ACL
Creating a cinquain Fay Middleton
Creating a presentation Sanchia Hylton-Smith
Creating folders ICT handout Nicola Gordon
Creative writing prompts Fiona Campbell B
Cricket 2007 Saul Pope
Crocodile spelling Jamboard game Helen Irwin-Brooks
Cubs - apostrophes June Mill
Cutting shapes out of materials L2 Functional Maths Hannah Yates
CV and telephone skills Steve Mangan
CV templates Steve Mangan
CVC words Hawa Lunat
CVC words - final sounds Sian Waterman
CVC words - initial sounds Sian Waterman
CVC words - medial sounds Sian Waterman
Cyclones in Australia Marion Martin
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