Resource Index

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Resource Title Contributed By Added Updated
Babies at the Hospital - Functional Maths Laurence Fletcher
Babysitter or Childminder? Dave Norgate
Back to Back CVC card game Margaret Adams
Backing up files ICT handout Nicola Gordon
Bad hair day Ruth Uprichard
Banana smoothie numeracy challenge Tara Chevalier
Bank Account - no overdraft allowed! Laura Addamiano
Bank Statement: mind the gaps. Laura Addamiano
Barack Obama - new US President Rachel Emmett
Barack Obama biography Ellie Walsh
Barack Obama questions Emma Shaw
Basic addition and subtraction worksheet generator Marc Stewart
Basic grammar Jennifer Baines
Bath & West Show Stella Jales
Be my Valentine Margaret Lagoyianni
Beating Crime - Functional Skills reading Stephen Griffin
Beer, Barrels and Casks L2 Functional Maths Alexander Ross
Benford's Law - data handling investigation Marc Stewart
Best Buys and Proportion Vikki Bushell
BetterWorld Books Helen Connell
Betting game - who's the winner? Jodie Travis
Big breakfast aids weight loss Dave Norgate
Big Brother Functional Skills discussion task Carrie Bray
Big Brother writing and discussion task (2) Carrie Bray
Big letters reading game Laurence Fletcher
Big, bigger, biggest Michael Garen
Bingo card maker (generic) Hilary Scotton
Birds of Prey grammar and vocabulary resources Kathy Emmott
Black Friday & online Christmas shopping Maggie Harnew
Black History Inventors and Scientists Marie Scarlett Davis
Black History Month Stephanie Gilford
Black History Month - Claudia Jones Maudine Morris
Black History Month - Rosa Parks Marie Scarlett Davis
Blank clock faces plus analogue / digital exercises Maggie Harnew
Blends board game Carrie Bray
Blood Swept Lands L1-2 Functional Maths tasks Maggie Harnew
Blue Cross adopt a dog Janet Kinsey
Blue Moon E3 English tasks Roxy Ball
Blue Planet E3 English tasks Roxy Ball
Bodgit the Builder Dave Norgate
Body Image and Mental Health Julie Newton
Body language when speaking and listening PPT Niamh Mulhern
Bonfire Night E1-2 Functional English Carrie Bray
Bonfire Night Functional English & Maths (Entry Level) Joanne Collins
Bonfire Night Maths for Entry 2 Functional Skills Maggie Harnew
Booking into a salon Level 1-2 Andrea Rason
Bored Security Guard Functional English tasks Marina Richards
Borrow a book wherever you are Dave Norgate
Boxes - initial / diagnostic assessment Ruth Read
Brake Procedures - gapped exercise for Motor Vehicle students Jacqui Wallis
Breakfast cereal percentages John Kerrane
Bricklaying in hot and cold weather Gill Gallagher
Bricklaying wordsearch for key vocabulary Gill Gallagher
Brickwork: spelling key vocabulary Gill Gallagher
Brickwork: subject - verb agreement for construction Gill Gallagher
Bringing fractions, decimals, percentages & ratios together Mike Hackman
Britain's Brickies Grace Labode
British adults fear youngsters Dave Norgate
British animal resources Kathy Emmott
Brush up your English revision quiz Christine Lucas
Bubble method - for finding percentages of any number John Thompson B
Budgeting Brilliantly - reading practice, creativity and presentation planning Stephanie Gilford
Budgeting Spreadsheet Neil Marshall
Builder's Advert task sheet - format, clip art, proof read, etc Penny Kutz
Buildings Maggie Harnew
Burger King Saul Pope
Burger Kings - Functional Skills English practice Stephen Griffin
Burns Night E3 English tasks Maggie Harnew
Burns Night L1-L2 reading tasks Maggie Harnew
Business bank balance game Judith White
Buyer Beware! Penny Halliday
Buying a Car Nikki Milton
Buying a ticket Maggie Harnew
Buying clothes - PPT and dialogue cards Maggie Harnew
Buying gifts - Functional English tasks (E1-2) Alison Hastilow
Buying herbs at the garden centre Susan Brocklehurst
Buying stamps at the shop Cerwyss O'Hare
Buzz words for student reviews Fiona Campbell B
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