Resource Index

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Resource Title Contributed By Added Updated
Sale calculations Annette Tedder
Sale prices - 10% off Sonia Hartman
Salon skills: Functional Maths for hairdressers Nicola Smith
Sandwich fractions Anne Carlill
Santa Claus’ present hunt Paul O'Connor
Santa's problems Christmas card quiz John Thompson B
Sarah Palin - critical reading June Mill
Saturday job - E3 Functional English writing task Maggie Harnew
Saying No - ESOL role play prompts Jenny Cole
Scale diagram resources for IWB Elizabeth Adeyemi
Scale drawing questions involving plans and elevations Hannah Yates
Scales and conversions Ian Saunders
Scan for mistakes - speed test Ginny Anderson
Scanning, Skimming, Reading for Detail, and Images in Text (E3 Functional English) Heather Vickers
Scary or not scary! Linda M Hoole
See - seed Helen Baldwin
Selecting, highlighting and formatting practice Gill Gallagher
Selling DVDs Debbie Ellis
Sending a text - personal safety workbook Sarah Horsley
Sending an eBay parcel Carrie Bray
Sentence level literacy Julie Hobson
Sentence structure and conjunction cards Geoff Saunders
Sentence structure and grammar Gill Moore
Sentence Types in English Language Tony Merrett
Sentences using homographs Elizabeth Henderson
Setting out a formal letter Vicky Douglas
Severe bleeding Laura Jeffrey Kiiza
Sh or Ch criss cross Margaret Adams
Sh words Christine Robinson
Shape starter activity Helen Connell
Shapes around us Gaye Noel
Shapes tally Michael Garen
Shares game Keith Burnett
Shipwreck! Functional English writing task Carrie Bray
Shire horses - reading comprehension & writing tasks Hazel Hughes
Shocking sugar levels in High Street hot drinks Laura Bell
Shopping - integrated activities Ginette Kriche
Shopping Bag Capital Letters Jo Williams
Short and long vowel sounds Kathy Crockford
Short division problems Dave Norgate
Short medial vowels Karen White
Short vowel A Margaret Adams
Should facial recognition be used to fight crime? Nikki Milton
Should University Students Get a Refund? Jodie Murrell
Show Me Don't Tell Me! Nikki Milton
Shrove Tuesday E3 Functional English reading assessment Maggie Harnew
Shrove Tuesday L1 Functional English reading assessment Maggie Harnew
Shrove Tuesday L2 Functional English Reading assessment Maggie Harnew
Silent e differentiated worksheets Imogen Stewart
Silent e proof reading Sally Shipton Black
Silent letter Scrabble Dave Walkden
Silent Night Laurence Fletcher
Silk - reading, writing, speaking & listening task sheet Janet Wilkins
Simple division - triangular jigsaw Debbie Ellis
Simplifying Spelling Booklet Richard Scott
Six texts about TV licences - for Functional English at all levels Maggie Harnew
Six writing ideas for Level 2 Dave Norgate
Skills Building - Comparing Texts Nikki Milton
Skillscheck for L1 Functional Skills Maths Nicola Smith
Skittles pictogram creator John Thompson B
SLC Preparation for a formal discussion - construction industry Mark Wilson
Sleep, screen and activity time for children - reading & spelling tasks Maggie Harnew
Sleeping Beauty Pantomime script for end of term English Jean Morten
Smart Meters reading comprehension Eleanor Kliffen
Smarties challenge Olwyn Dean
Smarties division Sue Rees
Smarties fractions Janet Sutton
Smarties graphs and pie charts Jane Redgrave
Smarties investigation (the original!) Di Mellor
Smarties L1-2 investigation Judith White
Smarties pictogram creator John Thompson B
Snow Maths Judith White
Social Media Nikki Milton
Social media - conditional sentences Susanne Jones
Social Media - Present Perfect Tense or Past Simple Tense Susanne Jones
Social signs cards Carrie Bray
Social signs quiz Heidi Griffin
Social Ups and Downs (game) Andrea Slade
Solar panels L2 Functional Maths questions Hannah Yates
Something Inside So Strong - Comparative Adjectives and Listening for Pleasure Megan Thoresson
Song: Knock on Wood M Reagan
Sounds the same as... Billy Count
Space Junk Removal Helen E
Sparkling sentences for bonfire night Jo Collins
Speaking & Listening preparation and managing anxiety Matthew Ruddle
Speaking about Health Lyn Hunter
Speaking and Listening task NCFE spec Entry level 3 Judith Hook
Speech marks Kate Lindley
Speedo Mick Matt Lunt
Spell the days of the week (interactive LSCWC) Maggie Harnew
Spelling challenge D Griffiths
Spelling days and months Jacqueline Stamp
Spelling difficult beginnings Jennifer Baines
Spelling handouts - acc or exc? Per or pre? Ruth North
Spelling mnemonics Stella Jales
Spelling strategies Joy Collins
Spelling strategies evaluation Lisa Smith
Spelling techniques Jill Machin
Spelling with visual skills Hazel Hughes
Spellings for E3-L2 Functional English Sarah Penneck
Spellings for formal letters Margaret Adams
Spooky Spending - interpreting infographics E3-L2 Maggie Harnew
Sport Relief Functional Maths Deborah Proudfoot
Sports Centre E2 English mock assessment Sharon Kitching
Sports Funding and Brexit - although, despite, however Eleanor Kliffen
Sports picture board Judy Valentine
Spot the missing article: a/an/the Jay Hall
Spreadsheet word wall Ged Kehoe
Spring Festivals / the Equinox Eleanor Kliffen
Spring Festivals from different cultures and faiths Andrea McCulloch
St Dwynwen's Day - E3-L1 reading tasks Maggie Harnew
St George's Day area of shapes L1-L2 Mark Sergison
St George's Day discussion Trish Bradwell
St George's Day maths L1-L2 Carrie Bray
St Patrick's Day Functional English tasks Maggie Harnew
St. George's Day Literacy / Functional English Carrie Bray
Stanislav Petrov - past perfect, mixed conditionals, reported speech Eleanor Kliffen
Star Interview worksheets Jacqueline Stamp
Stars of the Street Laurence Fletcher
Stash the cash Andy Morrell
Staying Safe Online - Fake News and Scams Susanne Jones
Steer clear of swooping magpies Craig Sullivan
Step by step letter writing ideas Maggie Harnew
Step up to Word Jan Hayto
Steps to preparing an essay Gill Gallagher
Stewarding a Festival Amanda Kelly
Stoke Happy Valley football league David Thacker
Stop education cuts! Photo prompts PPT Rebecca Galbraith
Stop FE & HE education cuts! E2-E3 tasks Rachel Emmett
Stop FE/HE education cuts L1 practice literacy test Rachel Emmett
Stop using 'Dearie', Dave Norgate
Stoptober maths - the cost of smoking Rachel Pearson
Storyboards June Mill
Strange maths John Wood
Stray dogs Gill Clark
Su Doku Gabrielle Adnitt
Subject - verb agreement Mary Atherton
Subtraction strategies John Thompson B
Subtraction with borrowing Dave Clapham
Suffixes and SQ3R mind maps Nikki Brown
Sugar levels in food E3-L2 Functional Maths Maggie Harnew
Summer bingo Rachel Emmett
Summer fayre probability Judith White
Summer Solstice reading & writing tasks Laura Bell
Summer word fun Ginette Kriche
Sunny Estate Agents - Persuasive Writing Task Narinder Kallay
Super cheese & tomato potatoes Jane Harbord
Super League Syllables Gill Gallagher
Super Superlatives - for ESOL Colleen Kelly
Supercars lesson plan & resources Andrew Speers
Supermarket floor plan. Jennifer Williamson
Supermarket Sweep: E1-E2 reading & writing tasks Alex Morgan
Supermarket Sweep: embedded digital skills for ESOL & Functional English Alexandra Bates and others at Essex ACL
Supertram transport L1 Functional English paper Skills for Life staff from South Thames College
Support Children in Need E1-2 maths Maggie Harnew
Susan Boyle - Britain’s got Talent Margery Lynott
Swallowed by a Whale Gayle Charles
Swearing reduces pain Dave Norgate
Sweets game - listening to and following instructions Jo Williams
Swimming pool calculations John Mole
Swine flu L1-2 multiple choice questions Elaine Slingsby
Swine flu web research questions Pam Benfold
Sycamore Gap Functional English tasks Angela Gonzalez
Syllables Millionaire Dave Walkden
Synonym substitutes Tom Gee
Synonyms and homonyms Jennifer Baines
Synonyms hexagonal jigsaw Andrea McCulloch
Synonyms, antonyms and acronyms Helen Holt
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