Move Leap Day L1-L2 reading tasks

Based on two adapted newspaper articles (an article and a comments page), this bumper set of 22 reading questions covers all the L1 & L2 Functional Skills English reading content descriptors, using assessment-style questions. There are two texts and the paper is split into three sections.
Unlike formal assessment papers there are mixed L1 and L2 questions although, if you don't want learners to tackle all the questions Text A (Section A questions) is slightly more suited to Level 1 and Text B to level 2. The final short Section C requires the reader to compare both texts. The texts are rather more light-hearted / casual than traditional assessment texts and I hope the subject provokes discussion whether it's a leap year or not!
Editor's note
This is a higher level version of the E1-E3 It's a Leap resource published a few weeks ago. A separate, detailed mapping document is also available. An answer sheet is also available (to resource contributors only). Happy Leap Day!
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