FE L1.14 Understand organisational / structural features use to locate relevant information

L1.14 Understand organisational and structural features and use them to locate relevant information (e.g. index, menus, subheadings, paragraphs) in a range of straightforward texts

Subject content [reformed] functional skills: English (DfE, Feb 2018): 


Read a formal letter (from a bank) and, in particular, take note of the layout. Then plan and write your own formal letter to the manager of a supermarket. 

Editor's notes

I've said this before about other writing resources from Angela but I reiterate here: it’s so important for learners to have realistic exemplar/model pieces of writing so they know what they’re aiming for (see Angela's page for resources in the same vein - articles, reports, speeches and leaflets). Also useful for ESOL.

Level 1
Level 2
FE L1.12 Recognise that language & other textual features can be varied to suit different audiences & purposes
FE L1.14 Understand organisational / structural features use to locate relevant information
FE L2.14 Understand how textual features/devices can shape meaning for different audiences/purposes
FE L2.16 Understand organisational features & use to locate relevant information in a range of sources
FE L1.24 Use format, structure & language appropriate for audience & purpose
FE L2.25 Organise writing for different purposes using appropriate format & structure e.g. standard templates, paragraphs, bullet points, tables
FE L1.23 Write text of appropriate level of detail & length to meet needs of purpose & audience
FE L2.24 Write text of appropriate level of detail & length to meet needs of purpose & audience
FE READING analyse texts
ESOL Wt/L1.2a Select how much to write and the level of detail to include
ESOL Wt/L1.4a Choose language suitable for genre, purpose and audience
ESOL Wt/L1.5a Select format and appropriate structure for different purposes and genres
ESOL: Writing - text focus (composition)
Retail Hospitality Customer service

Article from the BBC about the Northern Lights being visible in the UK during a solar storm, and 6 questions modelled on the L1 and L2 reading paper from Edexcel as a reading revision activity. 

Editor's notes

You can't get more topical than this!  Questions cover fact/opinion, vocabulary, language features, inference and more! There is also a short writing prompt. Great for last minute summer revision. 

Level 1
Level 2
FE L1.9 Identify & understand the main points, ideas & details
FE L1.11 Identify meanings in texts & distinguish between fact & opinion
FE L1.12 Recognise that language & other textual features can be varied to suit different audiences & purposes
FE L1.13 Use reference materials & appropriate strategies for a range of purposes, inc. to find word meanings
FE L1.14 Understand organisational / structural features use to locate relevant information
FE L2.11 Identify when main points are sufficient & when specific details are important
FE L2.13 Identify implicit & inferred meaning in texts
FE L2.14 Understand how textual features/devices can shape meaning for different audiences/purposes
FE L2.16 Understand organisational features & use to locate relevant information in a range of sources
Science, Nature & Weather

I used this in L2 only and mixed L1-2 classes. I gave the learners the poster to read, along with the learner starter activity sheet to write in their answers. Once everyone had filled in as much as they could (some learners had support workers so answers were discussed as they were written down), the whole class discussed the answers and I shared the answers on a screen. 

Level 1
Level 2
FE L1.12 Recognise that language & other textual features can be varied to suit different audiences & purposes
FE L1.14 Understand organisational / structural features use to locate relevant information
FE L1.16 Recognise vocabulary typically associated with specific types and purposes of texts (e.g. formal, informal, instructional, descriptive, explanatory and persuasive)
FE L2.14 Understand how textual features/devices can shape meaning for different audiences/purposes
FE L2.16 Understand organisational features & use to locate relevant information in a range of sources
Social Media

Based on two adapted newspaper articles (an article and a comments page), this bumper set of 22 reading questions covers all the L1 & L2 Functional Skills English reading content descriptors, using assessment-style questions. There are two texts and the paper is split into three sections. 

Level 1
Level 2
FE L1.9 Identify & understand the main points, ideas & details
FE L1.10 Compare information, ideas & opinions in different texts
FE L1.11 Identify meanings in texts & distinguish between fact & opinion
FE L1.12 Recognise that language & other textual features can be varied to suit different audiences & purposes
FE L1.13 Use reference materials & appropriate strategies for a range of purposes, inc. to find word meanings
FE L1.14 Understand organisational / structural features use to locate relevant information
FE L1.15 Infer from images meanings not explicit in the accompanying text
FE L1.16 Recognise vocabulary typically associated with specific types and purposes of texts (e.g. formal, informal, instructional, descriptive, explanatory and persuasive)
FE L1.17 Read & understand a range of specialist words in context
FE L1.18 Use knowledge of punctuation to aid understanding of texts
FE L2.11 Identify when main points are sufficient & when specific details are important
FE L2.12 Compare information, ideas & opinions in different texts, inc. how they are conveyed
FE L2.13 Identify implicit & inferred meaning in texts
FE L2.14 Understand how textual features/devices can shape meaning for different audiences/purposes
FE L2.15 Use a range of reference materials & resources (e.g. glossaries, legends/keys) for different purposes
FE L2.16 Understand organisational features & use to locate relevant information in a range of sources
FE L2.17 Analyse texts, of different levels of complexity, recognising their use of vocabulary and identifying levels of formality and bias
FE L2.18 Follow an argument, identifying different points of view & distinguishing fact from opinion
FE L2.19 Identify different styles of writing & writer’s voice
Science, Nature & Weather
Mental health, awareness & psychology
News, Politics & Government items

Based on an adapted newspaper report, this set of 26 reading questions covers many L1 and L2 Functional Skills English content descriptors. Unlike assessment papers, the 24 questions are arranged under topics so could be used for targeted revision: purpose and main points, detail and inference, punctuation (for understanding), style and tone, words and language, organisational features. Some questions are deliberately challenging and you may want all learners to tackle all the questions.

Editor's note

Level 1
Level 2
FE L1.13 Use reference materials & appropriate strategies for a range of purposes, inc. to find word meanings
FE L1.17 Read & understand a range of specialist words in context
FE L2.15 Use a range of reference materials & resources (e.g. glossaries, legends/keys) for different purposes
FE L1.9 Identify & understand the main points, ideas & details
FE L2.11 Identify when main points are sufficient & when specific details are important
FE L1.14 Understand organisational / structural features use to locate relevant information
FE L2.16 Understand organisational features & use to locate relevant information in a range of sources
FE L1.18 Use knowledge of punctuation to aid understanding of texts
FE L1.11 Identify meanings in texts & distinguish between fact & opinion
FE L1.15 Infer from images meanings not explicit in the accompanying text
FE L1.12 Recognise that language & other textual features can be varied to suit different audiences & purposes
FE L1.16 Recognise vocabulary typically associated with specific types and purposes of texts (e.g. formal, informal, instructional, descriptive, explanatory and persuasive)
FE L2.13 Identify implicit & inferred meaning in texts
FE L2.14 Understand how textual features/devices can shape meaning for different audiences/purposes
FE L2.17 Analyse texts, of different levels of complexity, recognising their use of vocabulary and identifying levels of formality and bias
FE L2.19 Identify different styles of writing & writer’s voice
Leisure, Hobbies, Travel & Tourism
History, culture, museums, libraries

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Worksheets to practise zero, first and second conditionals while using the language of social media. Can be used as an introduction to conditionals or a revision exercise. Then a reading text using conditionals in context of a social media site to practise reading comprehension, purpose, tone, features of text and dictionary skills.

Editor's notes

Entry Level 3
Level 1
Level 2
FE E3.9 Identify, understand & extract main points & ideas in/from texts
FE E3.10 Identify different purposes of straightforward texts
FE L1.9 Identify & understand the main points, ideas & details
FE L1.12 Recognise that language & other textual features can be varied to suit different audiences & purposes
FE L1.14 Understand organisational / structural features use to locate relevant information
FE L2.19 Identify different styles of writing & writer’s voice
ESOL Rt/E3.1a Understand how meaning is built up in a variety texts of more than one paragraph
ESOL Rt/E3.2a Distinguish between different purposes of texts at this level
ESOL Ws/E3.1a Write using complex sentences
ESOL Ws/L1.1a Write using complex sentences
ESOL Ws/L2.1a Use a range of sentence structure which is fit for purpose
ESOL Rs/L1.1a Use implicit & explicit grammatical knowledge to predict meaning & check for sense
ESOL Rs/L2.1a Use implicit & explicit grammatical knowledge to help follow meaning and purpose of different texts
ESOL Sc/L2.4a Express statements of fact
Art Film Media Music Radio TV
Social Media

Read a sample leaflet about taking children to the dentist. Use it as a model for planning and writing your own leaflet about neighbourhood safety.
Suitable for Entry 3 through to Level 2 English Functional Skills.

Editor's note

I think it’s so important for learners to have realistic exemplar/model pieces of writing so they know what they’re aiming for. Also useful for ESOL. 


Entry Level 3
Level 1
Level 2
FE E3.12 Understand organisational features & use them to locate relevant information
FE L1.14 Understand organisational / structural features use to locate relevant information
FE L2.16 Understand organisational features & use to locate relevant information in a range of sources
FE E3.20 Use appropriate format & structure inc. appropriate use of headings & bullet points
FE L1.24 Use format, structure & language appropriate for audience & purpose
FE L2.25 Organise writing for different purposes using appropriate format & structure e.g. standard templates, paragraphs, bullet points, tables
Health, Social care, Early years
Health and safety

Read an example of written instructions that include several typical layout features of instructional texts. 
Followed by a choice of writing tasks to complete.

Suitable for Entry 3 through to Level 2 English Functional Skills.

Editor's note

Love the wide appeal of this resource: the sample instructions are those left for a babysitter but also include pets and cooking! The writing tasks cover preparing for a job interview or how to play a game (for example, online or board games).


Entry Level 3
Level 1
Level 2
FE E3.12 Understand organisational features & use them to locate relevant information
FE L1.14 Understand organisational / structural features use to locate relevant information
FE L2.16 Understand organisational features & use to locate relevant information in a range of sources
FE E3.20 Use appropriate format & structure inc. appropriate use of headings & bullet points
FE L1.24 Use format, structure & language appropriate for audience & purpose
FE L2.25 Organise writing for different purposes using appropriate format & structure e.g. standard templates, paragraphs, bullet points, tables
Catering Food Nutrition
Animals, animal care, farming & equine
Health, Social care, Early years
Employment skills & Public services
Leisure, Hobbies, Travel & Tourism

Read a text about people being awarded Honours.

Answer exam style questions.

Editor's notes

Lovely new year resource that focuses on three everyday people that have given outstanding service to charities and their communities. 2 page text adapted from a Guardian article. The 20 reading questions cover general comprehension, language  and organisational devices, punctuation, vocabulary-dictionary work and more!

There's also a final question that could be used as a discussion prompt or a short writing task.

Level 1
Level 2
FE L1.9 Identify & understand the main points, ideas & details
FE L2.11 Identify when main points are sufficient & when specific details are important
FE L1.14 Understand organisational / structural features use to locate relevant information
FE L2.16 Understand organisational features & use to locate relevant information in a range of sources
FE L1.13 Use reference materials & appropriate strategies for a range of purposes, inc. to find word meanings
FE L1.18 Use knowledge of punctuation to aid understanding of texts
FE L1.15 Infer from images meanings not explicit in the accompanying text
FE L1.11 Identify meanings in texts & distinguish between fact & opinion
FE L1.12 Recognise that language & other textual features can be varied to suit different audiences & purposes
FE L2.14 Understand how textual features/devices can shape meaning for different audiences/purposes
FE L2.19 Identify different styles of writing & writer’s voice
News, Politics & Government items

Read an exemplar answer to a writing question about Disappearing High Streets. Then plan and write your own article. Choice of two writing tasks (for Level 1-2 Functional Skills English). 

  • Gambling and the National Lottery 
  • How to get children off their computers and more active 

Editor's notes

This is just what other Functional English teachers need: I think it’s so important for learners to have realistic exemplar/model pieces of writing so they know what they’re aiming for. Also useful for ESOL.

Level 1
Level 2
FE L1.12 Recognise that language & other textual features can be varied to suit different audiences & purposes
FE L1.14 Understand organisational / structural features use to locate relevant information
FE L2.14 Understand how textual features/devices can shape meaning for different audiences/purposes
FE L2.16 Understand organisational features & use to locate relevant information in a range of sources
FE L1.24 Use format, structure & language appropriate for audience & purpose
FE L2.25 Organise writing for different purposes using appropriate format & structure e.g. standard templates, paragraphs, bullet points, tables
FE L1.23 Write text of appropriate level of detail & length to meet needs of purpose & audience
FE L2.24 Write text of appropriate level of detail & length to meet needs of purpose & audience
ESOL Rt/L1.2a Know how language and other textual features are used to achieve different purposes
ESOL Rt/L2.2a Identify the purposes of a wide range of texts, whether inferred or explicitly stated
ESOL Rt/L1.1a Understand how meaning is built up in paragraphed texts
ESOL Rt/L2.1a Identify different ways meaning is built up in a range of texts of varying genres
Retail Hospitality Customer service
Voluntary, Charity and Community
Health, Social care, Early years
Family and relationships