FE L2.18 Follow an argument, identifying different points of view & distinguishing fact from opinion

L2.18 Follow an argument, identifying different points of view and distinguishing fact from opinion

Subject content [reformed] functional skills: English (DfE, Feb 2018): 


Reading pratice using an article from The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/music/article/2024/may/22/phone-kids-losing-their-love-for-music with questions that will aid L1 and L2 learners to develop their reading skills. 

Editor's note

Level 1
Level 2
FE L1.18 Use knowledge of punctuation to aid understanding of texts
FE L1.12 Recognise that language & other textual features can be varied to suit different audiences & purposes
FE L2.14 Understand how textual features/devices can shape meaning for different audiences/purposes
FE L2.16 Understand organisational features & use to locate relevant information in a range of sources
FE L1.11 Identify meanings in texts & distinguish between fact & opinion
FE L1.16 Recognise vocabulary typically associated with specific types and purposes of texts (e.g. formal, informal, instructional, descriptive, explanatory and persuasive)
FE L2.15 Use a range of reference materials & resources (e.g. glossaries, legends/keys) for different purposes
FE L2.18 Follow an argument, identifying different points of view & distinguishing fact from opinion
Art Film Media Music Radio TV
Family and relationships

A double lesson Power Point with Level 1 and Level 2 reading and writing questions. The lesson explores the controversy around violent music and the relationship between music and behaviour. You Tube links  add detail and context to the debate in an engaging and thought provoking way. Lesson 1 focuses on the Reading exam with Level 1 and Level 2 questions that can be displayed on the board to reduce printing. Texts A and B explore the two sides of Drill music and its influence on young people.

Level 1
Level 2
FS Eng L1.4 Communicate information / ideas / opinions clearly & accurately on range of topics
FS Eng L1.5 Express opinions and arguments and support them with evidence
FS Eng E2.5 Clearly express straightforward information & communicate feelings / opinions
FS Eng L2.6 Express opinions and arguments and support them with relevant and persuasive evidence
FE L1.9 Identify & understand the main points, ideas & details
FE L1.10 Compare information, ideas & opinions in different texts
FE L2.12 Compare information, ideas & opinions in different texts, inc. how they are conveyed
FE L1.11 Identify meanings in texts & distinguish between fact & opinion
FE L1.12 Recognise that language & other textual features can be varied to suit different audiences & purposes
FE L2.13 Identify implicit & inferred meaning in texts
FE L2.14 Understand how textual features/devices can shape meaning for different audiences/purposes
FE L2.18 Follow an argument, identifying different points of view & distinguishing fact from opinion
FE L2.19 Identify different styles of writing & writer’s voice
FE L1.19 Use a range of punctuation correctly (e.g. full stops, question marks, exclamation marks, commas, possessive apostrophes)
FE L2.20 Punctuate writing correctly using a wide range of punctuation markers e.g. colons, commas, inverted commas, apostrophes, quotation marks
FE L1.24 Use format, structure & language appropriate for audience & purpose
FE L2.25 Organise writing for different purposes using appropriate format & structure e.g. standard templates, paragraphs, bullet points, tables
FE L2.27 Use language & register (e.g. persuasive techniques, supporting evidence, specialist words) to suit audience & purpose
Art Film Media Music Radio TV

March 23 2024 - please note this is a new upload with different contributor details to the earlier version of this resource. With sincere apologies to the correct contributor Claire. Discussion, reading and writing tasks for Level 1-2 Functional Skills English. Very topical as lots of people have tattoos now. 

Level 1
Level 2
FS Eng SL&C Discussion
FE L1.11 Identify meanings in texts & distinguish between fact & opinion
FE L1.12 Recognise that language & other textual features can be varied to suit different audiences & purposes
FE L2.13 Identify implicit & inferred meaning in texts
FE L2.14 Understand how textual features/devices can shape meaning for different audiences/purposes
FE L2.18 Follow an argument, identifying different points of view & distinguishing fact from opinion
FE L2.19 Identify different styles of writing & writer’s voice
FE L1.24 Use format, structure & language appropriate for audience & purpose
FE L2.25 Organise writing for different purposes using appropriate format & structure e.g. standard templates, paragraphs, bullet points, tables
FE L2.27 Use language & register (e.g. persuasive techniques, supporting evidence, specialist words) to suit audience & purpose
FE L1.23 Write text of appropriate level of detail & length to meet needs of purpose & audience
FE L2.24 Write text of appropriate level of detail & length to meet needs of purpose & audience
Mental health, awareness & psychology

Based on two adapted newspaper articles (an article and a comments page), this bumper set of 22 reading questions covers all the L1 & L2 Functional Skills English reading content descriptors, using assessment-style questions. There are two texts and the paper is split into three sections. 

Level 1
Level 2
FE L1.9 Identify & understand the main points, ideas & details
FE L1.10 Compare information, ideas & opinions in different texts
FE L1.11 Identify meanings in texts & distinguish between fact & opinion
FE L1.12 Recognise that language & other textual features can be varied to suit different audiences & purposes
FE L1.13 Use reference materials & appropriate strategies for a range of purposes, inc. to find word meanings
FE L1.14 Understand organisational / structural features use to locate relevant information
FE L1.15 Infer from images meanings not explicit in the accompanying text
FE L1.16 Recognise vocabulary typically associated with specific types and purposes of texts (e.g. formal, informal, instructional, descriptive, explanatory and persuasive)
FE L1.17 Read & understand a range of specialist words in context
FE L1.18 Use knowledge of punctuation to aid understanding of texts
FE L2.11 Identify when main points are sufficient & when specific details are important
FE L2.12 Compare information, ideas & opinions in different texts, inc. how they are conveyed
FE L2.13 Identify implicit & inferred meaning in texts
FE L2.14 Understand how textual features/devices can shape meaning for different audiences/purposes
FE L2.15 Use a range of reference materials & resources (e.g. glossaries, legends/keys) for different purposes
FE L2.16 Understand organisational features & use to locate relevant information in a range of sources
FE L2.17 Analyse texts, of different levels of complexity, recognising their use of vocabulary and identifying levels of formality and bias
FE L2.18 Follow an argument, identifying different points of view & distinguishing fact from opinion
FE L2.19 Identify different styles of writing & writer’s voice
Science, Nature & Weather
Mental health, awareness & psychology
News, Politics & Government items

Reading paper for L2 on The Cost of Living Crisis. Current topic and uses L2 reading exam paper format from Edexcel, Pearson. 

Editor's notes

Another fabulous and very relevant practice exam from Steph! Written Edexcel-style but very useful practice or revision for any awarding organisation. The mark sheet (also in Edexcel style) will be available shortly (for resource contributors only). Please visit  Answer sheets for more information and to check when it is available.

Level 2
FE L2.15 Use a range of reference materials & resources (e.g. glossaries, legends/keys) for different purposes
FE L2.11 Identify when main points are sufficient & when specific details are important
FE L2.16 Understand organisational features & use to locate relevant information in a range of sources
FE L2.13 Identify implicit & inferred meaning in texts
FE L2.14 Understand how textual features/devices can shape meaning for different audiences/purposes
FE L2.17 Analyse texts, of different levels of complexity, recognising their use of vocabulary and identifying levels of formality and bias
FE L2.18 Follow an argument, identifying different points of view & distinguishing fact from opinion
FE L2.19 Identify different styles of writing & writer’s voice
FE L2.12 Compare information, ideas & opinions in different texts, inc. how they are conveyed
Business & Money management
Independent living
News, Politics & Government items

Level 2 practice paper on News Consumption that uses Functional Texts for English with Edexcel. Mark scheme included.

Editor's notes

An exceptional and very topical resource with widespread appeal for all age groups. In the exact style of a  Level 2 Pearson-Edexcel Exam paper so ideal as a mock or practice paper (also exceedingly useful ideal for Functional English revision no matter which Awarding Body is being used).

Level 2
FE L2.15 Use a range of reference materials & resources (e.g. glossaries, legends/keys) for different purposes
FE L2.11 Identify when main points are sufficient & when specific details are important
FE L2.16 Understand organisational features & use to locate relevant information in a range of sources
FE L2.13 Identify implicit & inferred meaning in texts
FE L2.14 Understand how textual features/devices can shape meaning for different audiences/purposes
FE L2.17 Analyse texts, of different levels of complexity, recognising their use of vocabulary and identifying levels of formality and bias
FE L2.18 Follow an argument, identifying different points of view & distinguishing fact from opinion
FE L2.19 Identify different styles of writing & writer’s voice
FE L2.12 Compare information, ideas & opinions in different texts, inc. how they are conveyed
News, Politics & Government items
Art Film Media Music Radio TV

Two texts on the theme of Ableist slurs and language accompanied by a selection of reading practice questions written in the style of Edexcel reading papers at Level 2. Includes SOME Level 1 style questions, too.

Editor's notes

Two topical and thought-provoking texts that would also make a excellent prompts for discussion on ableist language. Text 1 (Guardian) is short (could be used for Level 1) and reports on Lizzo's removal of an ableist slur from her new song.

Level 2
FE L1.18 Use knowledge of punctuation to aid understanding of texts
FE L2.12 Compare information, ideas & opinions in different texts, inc. how they are conveyed
FE L2.14 Understand how textual features/devices can shape meaning for different audiences/purposes
FE L2.15 Use a range of reference materials & resources (e.g. glossaries, legends/keys) for different purposes
FE L2.16 Understand organisational features & use to locate relevant information in a range of sources
FE L2.17 Analyse texts, of different levels of complexity, recognising their use of vocabulary and identifying levels of formality and bias
FE L2.18 Follow an argument, identifying different points of view & distinguishing fact from opinion
Equality and safeguarding

Does the UK have a Food Waste problem and how is this impacting our environment? Slides for L1 and L2 English learners to find out more about the environment and the impact of food-waste while building their English skills.

Editor's note

Level 1
Level 2
FS Eng L1.4 Communicate information / ideas / opinions clearly & accurately on range of topics
FS Eng L1.5 Express opinions and arguments and support them with evidence
FS Eng L2.5 Communicate information/ideas/opinions clearly/effectively with further detail/development if required
FE L1.11 Identify meanings in texts & distinguish between fact & opinion
FE L1.13 Use reference materials & appropriate strategies for a range of purposes, inc. to find word meanings
FE L1.17 Read & understand a range of specialist words in context
FE L1.18 Use knowledge of punctuation to aid understanding of texts
FE L2.16 Understand organisational features & use to locate relevant information in a range of sources
FE L2.18 Follow an argument, identifying different points of view & distinguishing fact from opinion
FE L1.22 Communicate information, ideas & opinions clearly, coherently & accurately
FE L2.23 Communicate information, ideas and opinions clearly, coherently and effectively
FE L1.24 Use format, structure & language appropriate for audience & purpose
FE L2.27 Use language & register (e.g. persuasive techniques, supporting evidence, specialist words) to suit audience & purpose
Catering Food Nutrition
Retail Hospitality Customer service

Social Media - AI behind the scenes slides exploring: how many people use social media and the algorithms running behind the scenes; the fact that we are being 'watched' and the concept that 'if you're not paying for the product, then YOU are the product'. Slides also explore DeepMind, Google Autocomplete and the idea that smartphones are making us dumber. 

Level 2
FE L2.2 Follow narratives & lines of argument
FS Eng L2.5 Communicate information/ideas/opinions clearly/effectively with further detail/development if required
FS Eng L2.6 Express opinions and arguments and support them with relevant and persuasive evidence
FE L2.14 Understand how textual features/devices can shape meaning for different audiences/purposes
FE L2.15 Use a range of reference materials & resources (e.g. glossaries, legends/keys) for different purposes
FE L2.18 Follow an argument, identifying different points of view & distinguishing fact from opinion
FE L2.23 Communicate information, ideas and opinions clearly, coherently and effectively
FE L2.24 Write text of appropriate level of detail & length to meet needs of purpose & audience
FE L2.27 Use language & register (e.g. persuasive techniques, supporting evidence, specialist words) to suit audience & purpose
GCSE English Spoken language AO8 Listen and respond
GCSE Reading AO1a Identify/interpret explicit & implicit information & ideas
GCSE Reading AO1b Select & synthesise evidence from different texts
GCSE English Reading AO2 Explain & analyse language & structure
GCSE Writing AO5(a) Use tone, style and register for different forms, purposes & audiences
GCSE Writing AO5(b) Organise information using structural and grammatical features
Electrical, Electronics & Technology
Art Film Media Music Radio TV
Social Media