L2 Currency Conversions

This is a Level 2 based Currency Conversion set of 4 questions with resource sheets and answers.  All exchange rates resources were obtained from web sites such as The Post Office and the Bank of England. 

Editor's note

Also provides useful practice in multiply, dividing with decimals (up to 4 decimal places); sensible rounding of answers; and extracting data from tables.

Currency tables are included within the resource or you can download the original tables below. Alternatively, learners can access the live websites (links within the resource) for the latest exchange rates. Answer sheet and detailed Functional Skills mapping (pages 4-6 of the resource) are only available to skillsworkshop contributors or donors. 

Physical format
There are three pages for the student which are the question sheet (Word Document), The Post Office information (Word Document) and the currency exchange table (PDF document direct from the Internet). The question sheet is based at Level 1 maths but possible questions 3 and 4 might be more for Level 2 or a good stretch and challenge for Level 1.

The fourth document if the answer sheet to the questions showing workings.