How to buy a TV Licence - reading and writing tasks
I wrote this resource to explore the Reformed Entry Level 2 reading and writing content, and the format of the new assessments from various awarding organisations (AO).
This resource is not intended to emulate formal summative assessment and the reading and writing sections are not arranged as in typical exam papers. For example, I have intentionally grouped reading and writing questions under specific headings in order to familiarise learners (and tutors) with the new content expectations. Tutors can pick and choose the topics they want to focus on.
Reading questions are arranged under three topics: main points of a text, organisational features and images, understanding and checking words. There are 5 writing topics: alphabetical order, punctuation, spelling, form filling, writing composition (an email and a web site product review).
Fully mapped to the Reformed FS content, with answers and marking guidance
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