Spelling test

Written specifically for the new reformed English content which expects secure homophone skills at much lower levels than previously. Covers 6 of the 22 homophone spellings required at E3 using differentiated sets of cloze exercises. 6 sets each with 12-15 questions / sentences plus detailed teaching notes and an appendix listing all E1, E2 & E3 spellings.

Entry Level 3
Level 1
Level 2
FE E3.17 Spell correctly words designated for Entry Level 3
FE L1.21 Spell words used most often in work, study and daily life, including specialist words
FE L2.22 Spell words used in work, study & daily life, including a range of specialist words
Homophones, homographs & confusables

English Entry Level exam revision. This is based on the exercises in the Functional Skills Entry Level English writing exams.  It provides revision and practice in spelling and reading sentences. I use this as a starter activity, whilst the students are settling into the classroom. It is not intended to be completed at one time. The resource is kept in their folders and can also be used in spare time or for homework. 12 pages.

Editor's notes

Entry Level 2
Entry Level 3
Level 1
Level 2
FE E2.16 Spell correctly words designated for Entry Level 2
FE E3.17 Spell correctly words designated for Entry Level 3
FE L1.21 Spell words used most often in work, study and daily life, including specialist words
FE L2.22 Spell words used in work, study & daily life, including a range of specialist words

Graphic organiser to aid learners in their discovery of vivacious vocabulary that they can use in their L1 -L2 Functional Skills English writing exams.

Editor's notes

A beautifully presented organiser that covers all the topics that could appear in  Functional Skills English writing assessments (hobbies, learning to drive, fund raising, health and fitness, holidays, technology, etc. etc.). Could also be used for spelling assessment.

Level 1
Level 2
FE L1.17 Read & understand a range of specialist words in context
FE L1.24 Use format, structure & language appropriate for audience & purpose
FE L2.27 Use language & register (e.g. persuasive techniques, supporting evidence, specialist words) to suit audience & purpose
FE L1.21 Spell words used most often in work, study and daily life, including specialist words
FE L2.22 Spell words used in work, study & daily life, including a range of specialist words

A short information text is followed by several pages of cloze exercises for Motor Vehicle students. To support subject knowledge, working out the meanings of technical vocabulary and learning subject specific spellings.

Editor's note

Entry Level 3
Level 1
FE E3.11 Use strategies to find meaning of words e.g. dictionary, context, word types
FE L1.13 Use reference materials & appropriate strategies for a range of purposes, inc. to find word meanings
FE L1.17 Read & understand a range of specialist words in context
FE E3.17 Spell correctly words designated for Entry Level 3
FE L1.21 Spell words used most often in work, study and daily life, including specialist words
Motor vehicles & Transport

A cloze exercise for Motor Vehicle students. To support subject knowledge, working out the meanings of technical vocabulary and learning subject specific spellings.

Editor's note

Entry Level 3
Level 1
FE E3.11 Use strategies to find meaning of words e.g. dictionary, context, word types
FE L1.13 Use reference materials & appropriate strategies for a range of purposes, inc. to find word meanings
FE L1.17 Read & understand a range of specialist words in context
FE E3.17 Spell correctly words designated for Entry Level 3
FE L1.21 Spell words used most often in work, study and daily life, including specialist words
Motor vehicles & Transport

Updated 24/3/22 10.30pm the writing resource is now available for download again. Apologies for any frustration. 11/3/22 3.00pm (typo fixed, page 3 question 8 writing assessment paper)

Two mega-sized Entry Level 1 Functional English assessments with a Mother's Day theme. Modelled closely on the Pearson-Edexcel assessments (but 1.5 times the size! ) but ideal pre-exam practice for any Awarding Organisation. 

Entry Level 1
FE E1.8 Read correctly words designated for Entry Level 1
FE E1.9 Read simple sentences containing one clause
FE E1.10 Understand a short piece of text on a simple subject
FE 1.14 Write letters of alphabet in sequence & in upper / lower case
FE E1.11 Punctuate simple sentences with capital letter & full stop
FE E1.12 Use capital letter for pronoun ‘I’ and proper nouns
FE E1.13 Use lower-case letters when there is no reason to use capital letters
FE E1.15 Spell correctly words designated for Entry Level 1
FE 1.16 Communicate information in words, phrases & simple sentences
Family and relationships
Catering Food Nutrition
Retail Hospitality Customer service

This is an E1 practice writing paper based on the Pearson E1 assessments. I have included words from the E1 spelling list and mirrored the layout and question types. Useful for summative assessment in the lead up to exams.

Editor's note

Entry Level 1
FE 1.14 Write letters of alphabet in sequence & in upper / lower case
FE E1.11 Punctuate simple sentences with capital letter & full stop
FE E1.12 Use capital letter for pronoun ‘I’ and proper nouns
FE E1.13 Use lower-case letters when there is no reason to use capital letters
FE E1.15 Spell correctly words designated for Entry Level 1
FE 1.16 Communicate information in words, phrases & simple sentences
History, culture, museums, libraries

A challenging set of reading and writing (spelling and sentence structure only) tasks based on a WHO (World Health Organisation) report about sleep, screen and activity time for children under five.  This resource is not intended to emulate formal L1-2 summative assessment papers as it includes underpinning spelling and sentence structure tasks. In addition, some questions are deliberately challenging and beyond the Level 2 Functional English curriculum and, unlike formal assessment papers, questions are arranged by topic.

Entry Level 3
Level 1
Level 2
T Levels - embedded maths or English
FE L1.17 Read & understand a range of specialist words in context
FE L2.15 Use a range of reference materials & resources (e.g. glossaries, legends/keys) for different purposes
FE E3.17 Spell correctly words designated for Entry Level 3
FE L1.13 Use reference materials & appropriate strategies for a range of purposes, inc. to find word meanings
FE L1.21 Spell words used most often in work, study and daily life, including specialist words
FE L2.22 Spell words used in work, study & daily life, including a range of specialist words
FE L1.25 Write consistently & accurately in complex sentences, using paragraphs where appropriate
FE L2.28 Construct complex sentences consistently & accurately, using paragraphs where appropriate
FE L1.9 Identify & understand the main points, ideas & details
FE L2.11 Identify when main points are sufficient & when specific details are important
FE L1.14 Understand organisational / structural features use to locate relevant information
FE L1.14 Understand organisational / structural features use to locate relevant information
FE L1.18 Use knowledge of punctuation to aid understanding of texts
FE L1.15 Infer from images meanings not explicit in the accompanying text
FE L1.16 Recognise vocabulary typically associated with specific types and purposes of texts (e.g. formal, informal, instructional, descriptive, explanatory and persuasive)
FE L2.14 Understand how textual features/devices can shape meaning for different audiences/purposes
FE L2.19 Identify different styles of writing & writer’s voice
TL - Synthesise information
GCSE Reading AO1a Identify/interpret explicit & implicit information & ideas
GCSE Reading AO1b Select & synthesise evidence from different texts
GCSE Writing AO6 Vocabulary, sentence structure, spelling, punctuation

Editor's note (19/3/2020): answer sheet now available (contributors only)

Based on a text about the annual St Patrick's Parade in London. Aimed at L1 /L2 Reformed Functional Skills learners but also includes some Entry Level questions. Unlike formal assessment papers, questions are arranged by topic so that teachers can pick and choose the subjects they want to focus on. Includes: 

Entry Level 3
Level 1
Level 2
Functional English reading
FE E3.10 Identify different purposes of straightforward texts
FE E3.11 Use strategies to find meaning of words e.g. dictionary, context, word types
FE E3.12 Understand organisational features & use them to locate relevant information
FE L1.11 Identify meanings in texts & distinguish between fact & opinion
FE L1.12 Recognise that language & other textual features can be varied to suit different audiences & purposes
FE L1.13 Use reference materials & appropriate strategies for a range of purposes, inc. to find word meanings
FE L1.14 Understand organisational / structural features use to locate relevant information
FE L1.15 Infer from images meanings not explicit in the accompanying text
FE L1.16 Recognise vocabulary typically associated with specific types and purposes of texts (e.g. formal, informal, instructional, descriptive, explanatory and persuasive)
FE L2.14 Understand how textual features/devices can shape meaning for different audiences/purposes
FE L2.18 Follow an argument, identifying different points of view & distinguishing fact from opinion
FE L2.19 Identify different styles of writing & writer’s voice
FE E2.14 Form regular plurals
FE E3.14 Form irregular plurals
FE E3.17 Spell correctly words designated for Entry Level 3
FE L1.21 Spell words used most often in work, study and daily life, including specialist words
Leisure, Hobbies, Travel & Tourism

I wrote this resource to explore the Reformed Entry Level 2 reading and writing content, and the format of the new assessments from various awarding organisations (AO). 

Entry Level 2
FE E2.7 Read correctly words designated for Entry Level 2
FE E2.8 Understand the main points in texts
FE E2.9 Understand organisational markers in short, straightforward texts
FE E2.10 Use effective strategies to find words meanings & check spelling e.g. simple dictionary, spell-checker
FE E2.11 Read & understand sentences with more than one clause
FE E2.12 Use illustrations, images & captions to locate information
FE E2.13 Use basic punctuation correctly (e.g. full stops, question, exclamation marks)
FE E2.14 Form regular plurals
FE E2.15 Use 1st & 2nd letters to sequence words alphabetically
FE E2.16 Spell correctly words designated for Entry Level 2
FE E2.17 Communicate information using words & phrases appropriate to audience & purpose
FE E2.18 Complete a form asking for personal information (e.g. first name, surname, address, postcode, age, date of birth)
FE E2.19 Write in compound sentences, using common conjunctions to connect clauses
FS English E2.20 Use adjectives and simple linking words
Art Film Media Music Radio TV
Independent living