Achieve your New Year's resolutions

An excellent set of L2 literacy/Functional English tasks based on a topical text about New Year’s resolutions.
Used as a mock exam, the first 12 questions are in the style of the Adult Literacy multiple choice exam and cover spelling, comprehension, punctuation, tone, vocabulary, etc. They are followed by several challenging writing, summarising and purpose/structure questions that are also be suitable for Functional Skills English.

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5 pages inc. answer sheet
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Hi Maggie
Just a quick note to say that someone has added answers onto my L2 test about New Year’s Eve – not sure if that was you or another tutor?
Anyway, a tutor in my dept. noticed that question 2 answer is wrong – the answer should be c (comma) not b (speech marks).

Sorry Rachel that must have been me that added the answers.
Thanks to you and your colleague Jan for reporting this.
Will fix as soon as I can