FE E1.6 Make clear statements, communicate feelings & opinions on straightforward topics

E1.6 Make clear statements about basic information and communicate feelings and opinions on straightforward topics

Subject content [reformed] functional skills: English (DfE, Feb 2018): 


 UPDATED 19/4/23   -  UK and Australian versions both updated: an error fixed (headings on p2 in both versions) and remapped for Reformed Functional Skills Maths and English. Covers:

Entry Level 1
Entry Level 2
FE E1.4 Make requests & ask straightforward questions using appropriate terms & registers
FE E1.6 Make clear statements, communicate feelings & opinions on straightforward topics
FE E2.2 Make requests & ask clear questions appropriately in different contexts
FS Eng E2.5 Clearly express straightforward information & communicate feelings / opinions
FE E1.5 Respond to questions about specific information
FE E2.3 Respond appropriately to straightforward questions
FM Simple one step problem(s)
FM E1.1 Read, write, order, compare numbers to 20
FM E1.3 Add numbers which total up to 20, & subtract numbers from numbers up to 20
FM E1.5 Recognise coins & notes, write them in numbers with the correct symbols (£, p) where these involve numbers up to 20
FM E2.12 Calculate money with pence up to £1 & in whole £s of multiple items, use correct symbols (£ or p)
FM E1.11 Read numerical information from lists
FM E2.22 Extract information from lists, tables, diagrams, bar charts
Retail Hospitality Customer service
Catering Food Nutrition
Independent living

A huge set of resources for E1-E2 reading, writing and SLC.

Can be used as revision, the core of two or more lessons (the writing tasks would make a good lesson on their own - there are four tasks, two for each level) or for assessment. Optional marks and detailed mapping is provided and many, but not all, questions are exam-style. 

Entry Level 1
Entry Level 2
FS Eng E1.1 Say the names of the letters of the alphabet
FE E1.6 Make clear statements, communicate feelings & opinions on straightforward topics
FS Eng E2.5 Clearly express straightforward information & communicate feelings / opinions
FE E1.5 Respond to questions about specific information
FE E2.3 Respond appropriately to straightforward questions
FE E1.4 Make requests & ask straightforward questions using appropriate terms & registers
FE E2.2 Make requests & ask clear questions appropriately in different contexts
FS Eng E1.2 Identify & extract the main information from short statements & explanations
FE E1.3 Follow single-step instructions, asking for them to be repeated if necessary
FE E2.1 Identify & extract main information & detail from short explanations
FE E1.7 Understand & participate in simple discussions or exchanges with another person about a straightforward topic
FE E2.4 Follow the gist of discussions
FE E2.6 Make appropriate contributions to simple group discussions with others about a straightforward topic
FE E1.8 Read correctly words designated for Entry Level 1
FE E2.7 Read correctly words designated for Entry Level 2
FE E2.10 Use effective strategies to find words meanings & check spelling e.g. simple dictionary, spell-checker
FE E1.10 Understand a short piece of text on a simple subject
FE E2.8 Understand the main points in texts
FE E2.12 Use illustrations, images & captions to locate information
FE E2.9 Understand organisational markers in short, straightforward texts
FE E1.9 Read simple sentences containing one clause
FE E2.11 Read & understand sentences with more than one clause
FE 1.14 Write letters of alphabet in sequence & in upper / lower case
FE E2.15 Use 1st & 2nd letters to sequence words alphabetically
FE E1.11 Punctuate simple sentences with capital letter & full stop
FE E1.12 Use capital letter for pronoun ‘I’ and proper nouns
FE E1.13 Use lower-case letters when there is no reason to use capital letters
FE E1.15 Spell correctly words designated for Entry Level 1
FE E2.14 Form regular plurals
FE E2.16 Spell correctly words designated for Entry Level 2
FE 1.16 Communicate information in words, phrases & simple sentences
FE E2.17 Communicate information using words & phrases appropriate to audience & purpose
FE E2.18 Complete a form asking for personal information (e.g. first name, surname, address, postcode, age, date of birth)
FE E2.19 Write in compound sentences, using common conjunctions to connect clauses
FS English E2.20 Use adjectives and simple linking words
History, culture, museums, libraries
Faith & Religion

Black History Month slides for English Functional Skills. Covers a broad range of skills such as discussion points, comprehension, working out vocabulary from context and/or with a dictionary, language features, organisational features, fact and opinion, and punctuation. 

Editor's note

Level 1
Level 2
FS Eng L1.4 Communicate information / ideas / opinions clearly & accurately on range of topics
FS Eng L1.5 Express opinions and arguments and support them with evidence
FE E1.6 Make clear statements, communicate feelings & opinions on straightforward topics
FS Eng L2.5 Communicate information/ideas/opinions clearly/effectively with further detail/development if required
FS Eng L2.6 Express opinions and arguments and support them with relevant and persuasive evidence
FE L2.8 Make relevant and constructive contributions to move discussion forward
FE L1.12 Recognise that language & other textual features can be varied to suit different audiences & purposes
FE L1.15 Infer from images meanings not explicit in the accompanying text
FE L1.17 Read & understand a range of specialist words in context
FE L1.18 Use knowledge of punctuation to aid understanding of texts
FE L2.14 Understand how textual features/devices can shape meaning for different audiences/purposes
FE L2.18 Follow an argument, identifying different points of view & distinguishing fact from opinion
History, culture, museums, libraries

A set of  Entry Level 1 Functional English tasks based on an article from Spring 2020 about finding wild plants in towns. Designed for a mixed ability class so that everyone could be working on the same theme. [An E2-3 version is also available]. Includes multiple choice comprehension questions; sentence writing, punctuation and alphabetical order questions; and speaking and listening activities.

Entry Level 1
FS Eng E1.1 Say the names of the letters of the alphabet
FE E1.4 Make requests & ask straightforward questions using appropriate terms & registers
FE E1.5 Respond to questions about specific information
FE E1.6 Make clear statements, communicate feelings & opinions on straightforward topics
FE E1.7 Understand & participate in simple discussions or exchanges with another person about a straightforward topic
FE E1.8 Read correctly words designated for Entry Level 1
FE E1.9 Read simple sentences containing one clause
FE E1.10 Understand a short piece of text on a simple subject
FE E1.11 Punctuate simple sentences with capital letter & full stop
FE E1.12 Use capital letter for pronoun ‘I’ and proper nouns
FE E1.13 Use lower-case letters when there is no reason to use capital letters
FE 1.14 Write letters of alphabet in sequence & in upper / lower case
FE 1.16 Communicate information in words, phrases & simple sentences
Science, Nature & Weather

Updated 11 Mar 21

Related 'Garden Birds' word search now added. This extra activity is based on the "Guide to the top 10 garden birds" poster that appears on page 2  of the Entry Level 1 resource.

Two reading comprehension exercises differentiated for EL1 and EL2/3 Functional Skills English. The Entry Level 1 version also includes speaking and listening activities.

Entry Level 1
Entry Level 2
Entry Level 3
FS Eng E1.1 Say the names of the letters of the alphabet
FE E1.4 Make requests & ask straightforward questions using appropriate terms & registers
FE E1.5 Respond to questions about specific information
FE E1.6 Make clear statements, communicate feelings & opinions on straightforward topics
FE E1.9 Read simple sentences containing one clause
FE E1.10 Understand a short piece of text on a simple subject
FE E2.8 Understand the main points in texts
FE E2.11 Read & understand sentences with more than one clause
FE E3.9 Identify, understand & extract main points & ideas in/from texts
FE E3.11 Use strategies to find meaning of words e.g. dictionary, context, word types
FE E1.7 Understand & participate in simple discussions or exchanges with another person about a straightforward topic
FE E3.12 Understand organisational features & use them to locate relevant information
FE E3.10 Identify different purposes of straightforward texts
FE E1.8 Read correctly words designated for Entry Level 1
FE E2.7 Read correctly words designated for Entry Level 2
FE E3.8 Read correctly words designated for Entry Level 3
FE E2.10 Use effective strategies to find words meanings & check spelling e.g. simple dictionary, spell-checker
Science, Nature & Weather
Mental health, awareness & psychology