General Resources

Displaying 81 - 90 of 163 resources:

A very clever resource! Page 1 is a series of tips aimed at L1-2 students taking the adult literacy multiple choice reading test but is relevant to any multiple choice English exam. Page 2 is a set of “multiple choice questions about multiple choice questions” – based on the information on page.

Level 1
Level 2
General literacy / English
Adult Literacy: Reading
Exam tips and help

This is a resource I developed, prior to the May 2011 referendum, to use as part of ‘language for expressing opinions’ at E3 Level. It’s quite basic but can be developed in different ways for classes of different levels. It is based the Victor the Vote Counter video available on YouTube or

Entry Level 3
Entry Level 2
Entry Level 1
Functional English - speaking, listening & communicating
Listen for detail
Listen for gist
Generic resources for literacy, numeracy and beyond
News, Politics & Government items

A simulation of the AV and FPTP voting system first used in an Entry Level Functional Maths and English class on Referendum day May 5th 2011.

Students vote for their favourite chocolate and compare the results when using the two different systems.

Resource includes AV and FPTP ballot papers, ballot box labels and a polling station poster. Plus links to voting information videos and easy-read referendum information leaflets.

Entry Level 3
Entry Level 2
Entry Level 1
Functional English reading
Functional Maths
Generic resources for literacy, numeracy and beyond
News, Politics & Government items
Independent living

Major update 17/5/23 written for Legacy FS in 2011 but fully updated to reflect the Reformed Functional English Content. 

This is a handout aimed at L1 Functional English learners. It contains brief guidance on exam technique for the reading exam followed by detailed, updated help with the writing exam. This has tips on maximising marks in the 7 key areas that an examiner looks at (4 areas for composition and the three SPaG areas)
Although written for Level 1 it would also serve as a useful reminder for Level 2 students 

Level 1
Functional English reading
FE WRITING Spelling, punctuation and grammar (SPaG)
FE Writing composition
Exam tips and help

This is a fun, short warm up activity to energise learners at the start of the lesson. It asks students to make a decision on a question and either stand up or sit down depending on their views.

I use it with my Foundation learners, as I teach them maths at 9am in the morning and sometimes they need a short activity to engage them!

Two different versions are included. Some of the questions are not for the faint-hearted but all can be easily edited to suit your own learners.

Level 1
Entry Level 3
Entry Level 2
Entry Level 1
Study Skills and General Teaching

Excellent advice on giving a presentation (this is a required part of Level 2 Functional English assessment and would also be useful for L2 literacy and possibly L2 ESOL). Step by step guide to planning and delivery.

Level 2
Adult Lit SLd/L2.5 Use strategies intended to reassure, e.g. body language, appropriate phraseology
Adult Lit SLd/L2.4 Support opinions and arguments with evidence
Adult Lit SLc/L2.4 Present information and ideas in a logical sequence and provide further detail and development to clarify or confirm understanding
Adult Lit SLc/L2.3 Express clearly statements of fact, explanations, instructions, accounts & descriptions, using appropriate structure, style & vocabulary
Functional English - speaking, listening & communicating
GCSE English Spoken Language AO9 Use standard English
GCSE English Spoken Language AO7 Formal presentation skills
ESOL Speak to communicate (Sc)
Generic resources for literacy, numeracy and beyond

A really interesting quick quiz – originally written to get e2e learners interested in numbers but makes an ideal warm up activity for any group (at any level).

Level 2
Level 1
Entry Level 3
Entry Level 2
Entry Level 1
General numeracy / maths
Generic resources for literacy, numeracy and beyond
Independent living
Employment skills & Public services

An international themed resource for World Maths day on March 1st 2011 or any other day. I based it around the C&G E3 Numeracy exams but it is also ideal for, and fully mapped to, Functional Maths.
Will also prompt disucssion on many issues from the cost of air travel through to literacy rates in Peru and traffic in the Panama Canal!
Includes tips for covering Functional Maths process skills.

Level 1
Entry Level 3
General numeracy / maths
Functional Maths
Generic resources for literacy, numeracy and beyond
Leisure, Hobbies, Travel & Tourism

An international themed resource for World Maths day on March 1st 2011 or any other day of the year.
It is also ideal for, and fully mapped to, Functional Maths. Will prompt disucssion on many issues from the UK population through to literacy rates in Peru and the Coral Coast in Fiji!
Includes tips for covering Functional Maths process skills.

Level 2
Level 1
General numeracy / maths
Functional Maths
Generic resources for literacy, numeracy and beyond
Leisure, Hobbies, Travel & Tourism

A multi-functional resource for Literacy or Numeracy. Sample TV listings by day, programme, start and end times, channel and genre. Use for alphabetic or numeric sorting, skimming and scanning exercises, literacy social sight vocabulary for days of the week, numeracy exercises for calculating time, etc. This resource contains some sample exercise questions to use which can be developed further according to need. I laminated the sheets and then cut up into days so lower level learners can move the elements around. Higher level learners can work from the whole page sheets as well.

Entry Level 1
Entry Level 2
Entry Level 3
Level 1
Adult Lit Rw/E1.1 Have limited, meaningful sight vocabulary of words, signs, symbols
AN MSS1/E3.3
AN MSS1/L1.2 Read & measure time and use timetables
AN MSS1/L1.3 Calculate with and convert between units of time
Generic resources for literacy, numeracy and beyond
Art Film Media Music Radio TV