FM L1.26 Use angles when describing position & direction, & measure angles in degrees

L1.26 Use angles when describing position and direction, and measure angles in degrees

Subject content [reformed] functional skills: Mathematics (DfE, Feb 2018):

London Marathon is a multi-level graduated Functional Maths workbook for Entry Level 1 to Level 2. A front page overview allows the teacher or learner to decide which levels and topics to work on.  The emphasis throughout is on problem solving and showing working out. The workbook uses information from the 2022 London Marathon web page and event guide.  

Entry Level 1
Entry Level 2
Entry Level 3
Level 1
Level 2
FM Simple one step problem(s)
FM Straightforward problem(s) with more than 1 step
FM E1.2 Use whole numbers to count up to 20 items including zero
FM E1.6 Read 12 hour digital & analogue clocks in hours
FM E1.7 Know the number of days in a week, months, & seasons in a year. Name & sequence them.
FM E1.11 Read numerical information from lists
FM E2.5 Add & subtract 2-digit numbers
FM E2.13 Read & record time in common date formats, & read time displayed on analogue clocks in hours, half hours & quarter hours, & understand hours from a 24-hour digital clock
FM E2.22 Extract information from lists, tables, diagrams, bar charts
FM E3.13 Read time from analogue & 24 hour digital clocks in hours & minutes
FM E3.20 Use appropriate positional vocabulary to describe position & direction inc.luding eight compass points and including full/half/quarter turns
FM L1.17 Work with simple ratio & direct proportions
FM L1.26 Use angles when describing position & direction, & measure angles in degrees
FM L2.14 Convert between metric & imperial units of length, weight & capacity using a) a conversion factor & b) a conversion graph
Sport and fitness

Covers all reformed Functional Skills  content descriptors relating to position and direction (from E1 to L1). Written with mixed-level classes in mind. Positional vocabulary; cardinal and intercardinal compass points; turns (e.g. quarter turns) and bearings are all covered in this set of graduated HS2 (high speed railway) themed problems. Problems are interspersed with context-free underpinning questions, examples and tips.

Entry Level 1
Entry Level 2
Entry Level 3
Level 1
FM Context free underpinning
FM Simple one step problem(s)
FM Straightforward problem(s) with more than 1 step
FM E1.10 Use everyday positional vocabulary to describe position & direction including left, right, in front, behind, under & above
FM E2.21 Use appropriate positional vocabulary to describe position & direction including between, inside, outside, middle, below, on top, forwards & backwards
FM E3.20 Use appropriate positional vocabulary to describe position & direction inc.luding eight compass points and including full/half/quarter turns
FM L1.26 Use angles when describing position & direction, & measure angles in degrees
Leisure, Hobbies, Travel & Tourism
Motor vehicles & Transport

Angles have far greater prominence in the reformed Functional Maths content (for example 3 figure bearings are assessed at Level 1). An introductory PPT and accompanying straightforward but very useful worksheet develop underpinning skills in measuring and naming angles.  Includes a reference box on page 1 and a list of 'angle' vocabulary on page 4 (please note much of this vocabulary is not assessed in Functional Mathematics but is included for general interest).

Fully mapped to the reformed Functional Maths content. 

Level 1
Functional Maths - underpinning
FM L1.26 Use angles when describing position & direction, & measure angles in degrees

Large set of questions inspired by the recent (2019) 75th anniversary of the D Day Landings.  Covers many aspects of the Reformed FS 2018 content such as bearings, nets, underpinning questions and non-calculator tasks.

Editor's notes

Level 1
Level 2
FM Context free underpinning
FM Straightforward problem(s) with more than 1 step
FM L1.1 Read, write, order & compare large numbers (up to one million)
FM L1.15 Estimate answers to calculations using fractions and decimals
FM L2.2 Carry out calculations with numbers up to 1 million inc. strategies to check answers e.g. estimation & approximation
FM L1.14 Calculate percentages of quantities, inc. simple percentage increase / decrease by 5% & multiples of
FM L2.8 Express one number as a fraction of another
FM L1.19 Calculate discounts in multiples of 5% on amounts of money
FM L1.20 Convert between units of length, weight, capacity, money and time, in the same system
FM L1.22 Calculate area & perimeter of simple shapes inc. those made up of combination of rectangles
FM L1.23 Calculate the volumes of cubes & cuboids
FM L1.24 Draw 2-D shapes & demonstrate an understanding of line symmetry & knowledge of the relative size of angles
FM L1.26 Use angles when describing position & direction, & measure angles in degrees
FM L1.25 Interpret plans, elevations & nets of simple 3-D shapes
FM L1.27 Represent discrete data in tables, diagrams & charts inc. pie charts, bar charts, line graphs
History, culture, museums, libraries
Employment skills & Public services

A challenging set of L1-2 maths questions that celebrate 50 years since the first Moon landing. Covers new reformed content such as compound measures and 3 figure bearings. Plus an introductory PPT with background information and pop up answers.

Editor's note

Fully mapped to the new reformed Functional Maths content.  The answer sheet, which includes detailed working out and marking guidance, is only available to site contributors. Please see details within the resource.


Level 1
Level 2
FM Straightforward problem(s) with more than 1 step
FM Complex multi-step problem(s)
FM L1.1 Read, write, order & compare large numbers (up to one million)
FM L2.2 Carry out calculations with numbers up to 1 million inc. strategies to check answers e.g. estimation & approximation
FM E3.14 Use & compare measures of length, capacity, weight & temperature using metric or imperial units to the nearest labelled or unlabelled division
FM L1.20 Convert between units of length, weight, capacity, money and time, in the same system
FM L1.26 Use angles when describing position & direction, & measure angles in degrees
FM L2.15 Calculate using compound measures inc. speed, density & rates of pay
FM L1.29 Find the mean & range of a set of quantities
Science, Nature & Weather
History, culture, museums, libraries