Transfer of Mathematics Learning from School to Work not Straightforward... Evans, J. (2000)
This is one of many useful online Harvard references that I used in the Level 5 Maths ADTLLS, Meeting a learner’s needs / case study assignment (Part of Module 1: Approaches to Mathematics learning and teaching).
Evans, J. (2000), The Transfer of Mathematics Learning from School to Work not Straightforward but not Impossible Either. In: Besot, A. and Ridgeway, J., (eds.) Education for Mathematics in the Workplace. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp.5-15.
Here’s how I used the reference in my essay:
X is not yet ready to enter employment but his/her numeracy learning needs are clearly best met by relating them to familiar, real life situations. Evans (2000, p5) suggests there are four main methods of transfer of learning from school [or college] to work. With X, I attempt to apply Evans’ third strategy of applying ‘knowledge from pedagogic contexts to work or everyday activities’. However, I agree with Evans that ‘one cannot depend upon its being accomplished, by a particular learner in a particular situation’.
For more help with the Level 5 ADTLLS (Maths) see our many Harvard maths references
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