Tracking sheets for OCR Entry Literacy – keep track of what your students have completed. Useful even if you are not using OCR as they inlciude al the E1-E3 Curriculum elements. Three sets in one document: E1 (2 pages), E2 Lit (3 pages), E3 Lit (4 pages).
Excel long term plans for Entry 1, Entry 2 and Entry 3 literacy. Each covers covers 12 terms for students working towards OCR Entry Level 1, 2 or 3 certificates in adult literacy (including spoken communication) and is mapped to the Skills for Life Literacy learner materials. These are available free from the Excellence Gateway…
See below for links to other related medium term plans.
Extremely useful spreadsheet covering the entire adult literacy curriculum (E1 to level 2): one page/sheet for each of the 9 areas (speak to communicate, reading – sentence level, writing – word level, etc.)
Reference sheet (for students and teacher) with examples and tips to help you remember what these words mean. Would also make a good classroom poster if blown up to A3.
Level 1
Level 2
Homophones, homographs & confusables
AL Rw/L2.3 Vocabulary (language features, synonyms, formality)
Charlie’s search for a Mothers’ Day present is a wonderful comprehension exercise written especially to practice reading consonant digraphs. Vicky suggests this resource is used in conjunction with Karen White’s consonant digraph worksheet. A simplifed Entry 1 version and a related E2/E3 crossword are also available.
Originally created for a dyslexic student student who had learned to spell the word ‘laughter’. Use as an example for students to follow when making other word maps (but encourage them to make their own maps and make their own ‘connections’).
A word map designed to help students build words and make vocabulary connections. Use for spelling, parts of speech, or vocabulary work. Also makes a lovely display poster if blown up to A3.