Adult Lit SLd/L2.4 Support opinions and arguments with evidence

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Adult Literacy>Speaking & Listening>Engage in Discussion
SLd/L2.4 Support opinions and arguments with evidence 

Component skill and knowledge and understanding. 
Adults should be taught to:
Example of application and level Sample  activities
Understand that productive discussion involves making valid and convincing points, not browbeating people to accept own view Put forward a well-supported point at a meeting (e.g. of a parents’ association, pressure group, as a representative of an interest group, such as union, claimants, residents Study video training clips to identify the difference between convincing people and wearing them down. Drawing on own experience, discuss implications of people ‘agreeing’ with others without beingconvinced. Identify the sorts of discussion where use of reliable evidence is particularly important(e.g. when trying to arrive at a decision that will have consequences for others). Make a list of dos and don’ts for making well-supported points (e.g. DO: refer to at least one example/fact/statistic, consider general implications of a particular point; DON’T: use loud voice or aggressive mannerisms to try to persuade listeners, hector, keep repeating same point in hope of convincing eventually).
Know how to research information for a discussion   Use ‘mini case studies’ to raise awareness of the difference between assertion and supported points. Group is given a situation to look at from various standpoints, each person representing one; people have five minutes to decide on points they want to make. Use teacher as observer to evaluate how well people use evidence in support of their views. Discuss tactics that convince and those that irritate/provoke opposition.
Use factual information and knowledge to support views and arguments   Use this experience to hold an extended discussion for which people research information beforehand to use as supporting evidence.

Source: Department for Education and Skills (2001) Adult Literacy core curriculum. London DfES. 

Related Adult ESOL curriculum elements: ESOL Sd/L2.2c Express views, opinions, feelings, wishes and ESOL Sd/L2.4a Support opinions and arguments with evidence
Related Functional Skills English links: FE L1.5 Express opinions and arguments and support them with evidence [note this is Level 1] and FE L2.6 Express opinions and arguments and support them with relevant and persuasive evidence
Related GCSE English links: GCSE English Spoken Language AO7 Formal presentation skills 

Excellent advice on giving a presentation (this is a required part of Level 2 Functional English assessment and would also be useful for L2 literacy and possibly L2 ESOL). Step by step guide to planning and delivery.

Level 2
Adult Lit SLd/L2.5 Use strategies intended to reassure, e.g. body language, appropriate phraseology
Adult Lit SLd/L2.4 Support opinions and arguments with evidence
Adult Lit SLc/L2.4 Present information and ideas in a logical sequence and provide further detail and development to clarify or confirm understanding
Adult Lit SLc/L2.3 Express clearly statements of fact, explanations, instructions, accounts & descriptions, using appropriate structure, style & vocabulary
Functional English - speaking, listening & communicating
GCSE English Spoken Language AO9 Use standard English
GCSE English Spoken Language AO7 Formal presentation skills
ESOL Speak to communicate (Sc)
Generic resources for literacy, numeracy and beyond

Moral Dilemmas is a great game aimed at 16-18 year olds (easily adapted for other age groups) that provides focus points for group discussion along with reading, writing and listening practice.

Entry Level 3
Level 1
Level 2
Adult Literacy Rs/E3.2 Use implicit & explicit knowledge of word types/order to help with decoding/predicting meaning
Adult Lit SLd/E3.1 Follow & understand the main points of discussions on different topics
Adult Lit SLd/L2.4 Support opinions and arguments with evidence
Adult Lit SLlr/L2.4 Respond to criticism and criticise constructively
Adult Literacy: Writing