ESOL Sd/L2.2c Express views, opinions, feelings, wishes
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Adult ESOL > Speaking > Engage in Discussion > ESOL Sd/L2.2 Adapt contributions to discussions to suit audience, context purpose and situation
Sd/L2.2c Express views, opinions, feelings, wishes
Component skill and knowledge and understanding. Adults should learn to: |
Example of application and level | Sample activities |
Express opinions, agreement and disagreement, using a range of lexical phrases and different registers to suit a range of situations | Discuss union issue, e.g.: I really believe that, if we don't vote for the new contract, we'll get the sack. | Learners discuss possibilities about the future in a general way, e.g. the world in 20 years’ time, in 50 years’ time. They then designate themselves as optimists or pessimists and form three groups: optimists, pessimists and undecided. Learners review ways of talking about future possibility, probability, etc. and discuss in small groups. As each group presents their ideas to the class, the other groups indicate their likely disagreement. |
In giving an opinion, be able to express, e.g.: (a) future possibility (b) hypothetical meaning (c) obligation (past, present, future) |
That's total rubbish. There's no evidence. |
To work on hypothetical meaning and obligation in the past, learners listen to or read about an episode where something went wrong (if possible, a TV soap with which the learners are familiar). Learners practise utterances (e.g. She should’ve … He shouldn’t’ve … If they hadn’t… it wouldn’t’ve happened.). Learners focus specifically on the pronunciation of the contracted form. |
Use grammatical forms suitable for the level, e.g. conditionals, should have |
They then listen to or read a further episode and, in groups, discuss questions (e.g. Was he right
Speculate and make deductions, using modal verbs, e.g. must, might, must’ve | I wonder why he hasn’t arrived. He must’ve been delayed by the traffic. |
Know a range of formal and informal vocabulary for expressing feelings, be able to make a suitable choice of vocabulary for a situation, and utter the words with appropriate pitch, stress and intonation | He was gutted. The film was fantastic. I wish I could swim. |
Be able to use exaggeration and understatement, as appropriate, in informal situations | We’ve got loads/masses of time. I’ve been here for hours/ages. It’s not exactly the tropics, is it? |
Source: Department for Education and Skills (2001) Adult ESOL Core Curriculum, DfES (2001)
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