A reflective iceberg (integrated, collaborative, engaging, balanced, economical, reflective and gradual) structure sheet for learners to complete. Six sections, each with prompts/exemplification: remembering, understanding, applying, analysing, evaluating and creating.
This scaffold has been designed to be used either as as a diary for use in class and / or as a way for students to record and reflect on their literacy/language experiences outside of the classroom.
Emojis are used to try to encourage them to consider and record their feelings.
A huge collection of links to resources that can be used to support and feedback on English learning in Further Education (Functional Skills and GCSE)
Categorised by Level (FS E2, E3, L1, L2, GCSE) along with other categories such as R&D. You are invited to add what you can. Compiled and created by Nicola Milton with other contributors.
A comprehensive list of Level 1 maths topics and descriptions.
Students to match the correct description to each topic. Then RAG (red, amber, green) rate their skills for each one using colour stickers. You can then use results to work on “Top 3 trickiest” skills, etc.
Editor’s note Ideal for start of the term or year, and also for final revision.
First used with a group of E1-E2 numeracy students who had done an ICT based project involving cookery work and visiting a cafe to buy a snack. Print on A4 and fold into a very nice A5 leaflet.
The self assessment check boxes focus on basic money skills (recognising coins, giving change – but also slecting items from a list, weighing, etc.) but there is also the opportunity to link learning to numeracy at home or at college. Ideal for Entry Functional maths / catering / hospitality students.
Entry Level 2
Entry Level 1
Functional Skills ICT: Developing, presenting and communicating information
A list of buzz words I sometimes use with learners when doing reviews – helps them to come up with ideas about how they are progressing and how their learning is making a difference in their lives.
Level 2
Level 1
Entry Level 3
Entry Level 2
Entry Level 1
Aims & objectives, ILPs, reflections
Generic resources for literacy, numeracy and beyond
A set of posters / cards / checklists designed to prompt discussion, check learning and keep a record of student progression. Designed for Entry Level Functional Maths and English learners in an FE setting but suitable for all levels and subjects.
This resource was inspired by discussion on the NCETM (National Centre for Excellence in Teaching Mathematics) site about “understanding versus doing” and I would like to thank the forum members for their ideas and feedback.
Entry Level 1
Entry Level 2
Entry Level 3
Level 1
Level 2
General literacy / English
Functional Skills English
General numeracy / maths
Functional Maths
Generic resources for literacy, numeracy and beyond
My house is a fabulous tool to use at the beginning of the year. Gather useful ILP information during initial assessment. Sample house, blank house and full instructions / teaching ideas are provide. Suitable for literacy and numeracy students at all levels.