Pre-Entry Resources

Displaying 1 - 3 of 3 resources:

The worksheets can be used as seems appropriate for your learners. My method was for learners to identify the seasons and write the names beneath the pictures – I had put them on the board in a random order for learners to be able to use first and second letter recognition to match the words and pictures.

The days of the week sheet was used as a recapping tool – learners insert the first letter, then fold at the dotted line and write them out again. This was followed by a Q and A session on ‘what do you do on…’ to get learners talkiing about activities.

Entry Level 1
pre-Entry Rtc/M8.3 When working with texts communicate about persons, characters, events, objects
pre-Entry Rs/M8.1 Understand that words are grouped together to convey meaning, using rules & structure
pre-Entry Rw/M8.2 Associate sounds with patterns in letters, syllables, words,
pre-Entry Rw/M8.3 Recognise & read a growing no. of words signs symbols
pre-Entry Wt/M8.4 Use words, letters, signs, symbols & images in supported writing for simple purposes
pre-Entry Ws/M8.1 Understand that words are grouped together to convey meaning, using rules & structure
pre-Entry Ww/M8.1 Write with appropriate grip making many controlled letter shapes & using a conventional sequence of letters
pre-Entry Ww/M8.2 Associate sounds with patterns in some letters, syllables. words, rhymes, songs
ESOL Writing (W)
ESOL Reading (R)

Housework is a set of three related resources:
Housework is a very funny video (with a rather predictable ending!) accompanied by words and jolly music and designed to introduce, complement or summarise the two related resources below.
Although aimed at M8-E2, ESOL/Literacy groups of all levels will enjoy this video and it is bound to prompt disucssion. Supplied as a zipped WMV (Windows Media Video) file (6.8 MB). A big thank you must go to Janet Fletcher who co-authored this video!

Entry Level 1
Entry Level 2
Adult Literacy: writing composition (Wt)
AL Rw/E1.1 Have limited, meaningful sight vocabulary of words, signs, symbols
Adult literacy: reading comprehension (Rt)
pre-Entry Rw/M8.3 Recognise & read a growing no. of words signs symbols
ESOL Rw/E1.1a Recognise a limited number of words, signs and symbols
ESOL: Writing - text focus (composition)
ESOL: Reading text focus - comprehension (Rt)
Independent living

5 hand drawn storyboards – shopping, holidays, swimming, getting-up and a bank robbery! Pictures can be cut up, muddled and re-sequenced; simple sentences written out to match with pictures; sentences written in the present to be changed to past tense (ESOL); write sentences then join with conjunctions e.g. then, next; or simply as prompts for conversation and discussion.

Entry Level 1
Entry Level 2
pre-Entry SLlr/M8.2 Listen to & answer simple questions about personal details/experiences/events & narratives
pre-Entry SLlr/M8.4 Listen to and follow simple and brief narratives
pre-Entry SLc/M7.1 Communicate ideas, choices, events referring to past, present, future
pre-Entry SLc/M7.2 Use conjunctions inc. 'and' & 'but' to link ideas & add new detail
pre-Entry SLc/M8.1 Use key words, signs, symbols when communicating about own experiences, and to recount a narrative
pre-Entry Rti/M7.1 Demonstrate an interest in the activity of reading
pre-Entry Rtc/M8.3 When working with texts communicate about persons, characters, events, objects
pre-Entry Wt/M8.1 Understand that words/signs/symbols/images convey information
ESOL Ws/E1.1a Construct a simple sentence, using basic word order & verb form
ESOL Ws/E2.1a Construct simple and compound sentences
ESOL Wt/E1.1a Compose very simple text to communicate ideas or basic information
ESOL Wt/E2.1a Compose simple text, selecting appropriate format for the genre and purpose