FM E3.16 Compare measures of weight including grams & kilograms

 E3.16 Compare measures of weight including grams and kilograms

Subject content [reformed] functional skills: Mathematics (DfE, Feb 2018):

This exercise can be used in several different ways.  The cost of living crisis has hit everyone and this one pot pasta dish can save on gas/electric by making everything in one pan.  The main idea is to cost the ingredients as it is, but then think of alternatives to the original recipe. Then if you double the recipe up, how much are you saving by buying 500g of mince?  How much are you saving by buying a 4 pack tin of tomatoes?  Look at the different prices of dried pasta.  Look at how much frozen mince is.  This is about converting g - kg too.

Entry Level 3
Level 1
Level 2
FM Simple one step problem(s)
FM Straightforward problem(s) with more than 1 step
FM E3.10 Calculate with money using decimal notation & express money correctly in writing in pounds and pence
FM E3.16 Compare measures of weight including grams & kilograms
FM L1.4 Use multiplication facts and make connections with division facts
FM L1.11 Add, subtract, multiply & divide decimals up to 2 decimal places
FM L1.12 Approximate by rounding to a whole number or to one or two decimal places
FM L1.17 Work with simple ratio & direct proportions
FM L1.20 Convert between units of length, weight, capacity, money and time, in the same system
FM L2.13 Calculate amounts of money, compound interest, percentage increases, decreases & discounts inc. tax & budgeting
Independent living
Catering Food Nutrition
Business & Money management

17/1/22 Minor update - page number signposting at top of pages 5&6 corrected.
 highly functional, carefully graduated set of questions based on current (Dec 2021) Royal Mail information  about parcel and letter sizes, and first and second class mail prices. Written just before Christmas but can be used all year round. Main topics are: extracting information from tables, converting metric measures, formulae expressed as words, and working with money and decimals.

Author's note

Entry Level 3
Level 1
FM Simple one step problem(s)
FM Straightforward problem(s) with more than 1 step
FM Contextualised underpinning
FM E3.1 Count, read, write, order & compare numbers up to 1000
FM L1.5 Use simple formulae expressed in words for one or two-step operations
FM L1.11 Add, subtract, multiply & divide decimals up to 2 decimal places
FM E3.10 Calculate with money using decimal notation & express money correctly in writing in pounds and pence
FM E3.15 Compare metric measures of length including millimetres, centimetres, metres & kilometres
FM E3.16 Compare measures of weight including grams & kilograms
FM L1.20 Convert between units of length, weight, capacity, money and time, in the same system
FM E3.21 Extract information from lists, tables, diagrams, charts; create frequency tables
Independent living

Editor's note Jan 24 2022 19:50 - correction made to the final 2-way table question.

Pat and Mitch decide to build a mini wildlife pond from an old sink. This involves digging, gathering and arranging suitable items, a trip to the aquatic centre to buy water plants, and then sitting back and observing the fruit of their labours :)

Entry Level 1
Entry Level 2
FM Simple one step problem(s)
FM E1.1 Read, write, order, compare numbers to 20
FM E2.1 Count up to 100 items
FM E1.8 Describe & make comparisons between measures of items inc. size, length, width, height, weight, capacity
FM E2.14 Use metric measures of length including millimetres, centimetres, metres & kilometres
FM E3.16 Compare measures of weight including grams & kilograms
FM E2.16 Use measures of capacity including millilitres & litres
FM E1.9 Identify & recognise common 2-D & 3-D shapes inc. circle, cube, rectangle (inc. square) & triangle
FM E2.19 Recognise & name 2-D & 3-D shapes including pentagons, hexagons, cylinders, cuboids, pyramids, spheres
FM E1.10 Use everyday positional vocabulary to describe position & direction including left, right, in front, behind, under & above
FM E2.21 Use appropriate positional vocabulary to describe position & direction including between, inside, outside, middle, below, on top, forwards & backwards
FM E1.7 Know the number of days in a week, months, & seasons in a year. Name & sequence them.
FM E1.12 Sort & classify objects using a single criterion
FM E2.24 Sort and classify objects using two criteria
FM E1.13 Read & draw simple charts & diagrams inc. a tally chart, block diagram/graph
FM E2.22 Extract information from lists, tables, diagrams, bar charts
FM E2.23 Make numerical comparisons from bar charts
FM E2.25 Take information from one format and represent the information in another format including use of bar charts
Science, Nature & Weather
Gardening & Horticulture