FE L1.20 Use correct grammar e.g. subject-verb agreement, consistent use of different tenses, definite & indefinite articles

L1.20 Use correct grammar (e.g. subject-verb agreement, consistent use of different tenses, definite and indefinite articles)

Subject content [reformed] functional skills: English (DfE, Feb 2018): 


A PowerPoint taking learners through definitions and examples of use of tense in sentences and a brief quiz

Editor's notes

Clear and engaging and, as with all of Niamh's PPTs, easily adapted for any learner group whether it be ESOL, Functional English or Essential English

Entry Level 3
Level 1
FE E3.15 Use mostly correct grammar e.g. subject-verb agreement, consistent use of tense, definite & indefinite articles
FE L1.20 Use correct grammar e.g. subject-verb agreement, consistent use of different tenses, definite & indefinite articles
ESOL Ws/E3.2a Use basic sentence grammar accurately
ESOL Ws/L1.2a Use sentence grammar accurately to achieve purpose

This resource explains how and why we use the form 'had had' in English. This usage can be difficult to explain and even harder for native and non-native speakers/learners to grasp as it is used less frequently these days but still seen in more formal texts. 

It is useful for those trying to teach the topic or as part of a class session.  Use the resource/information whichever way suits you and your learners get the best out of it. 

For Level 1-2 ESOL and possibly Functional Skills English

Editor's note

Level 1
Level 2
FE L1.20 Use correct grammar e.g. subject-verb agreement, consistent use of different tenses, definite & indefinite articles
FE L2.21 Use correct grammar (subject-verb agreement, consistent use of a verb tenses, definite & indefinite articles) & modality devices
ESOL Sc/L1.3a Express statements of fact
ESOL Sc/L1.3c Narrate events in the past
ESOL Sc/E1.4a Make simple statements of fact
ESOL Sc/L2.4a Express statements of fact
ESOL Ws/L1.2a Use sentence grammar accurately to achieve purpose
ESOL Ws/L2.2a Use sentence grammar consistently and with accuracy

I made this resource for my ESOL Functional  Skills Level 1&2 class. Learners have to find where articles are missing and type them in (a/an/the). Uses three increasingly complex/lengthy texts: a charity letter, an OU magazine article and some recipe instructions.

Find the missing articles: 3 page worksheet (Google docs)  - best viewed in "print" mode.

Entry Level 3
Level 1
Level 2
FE E3.15 Use mostly correct grammar e.g. subject-verb agreement, consistent use of tense, definite & indefinite articles
FE L1.20 Use correct grammar e.g. subject-verb agreement, consistent use of different tenses, definite & indefinite articles
FE L2.21 Use correct grammar (subject-verb agreement, consistent use of a verb tenses, definite & indefinite articles) & modality devices
General ESOL
Catering Food Nutrition
Education and teaching
Voluntary, Charity and Community

Read the extract and complete the comprehension tasks. When you have finished complete the writing exercise. 

Editor's note

Covers many E3-L1 content descriptors including: main points and detail, purpose of text, using punctuation to aid understanding.  Ideal for mixed level groups. Each question is mapped to the relevant subject content descriptor. 

Entry Level 3
Level 1
FE E3.9 Identify, understand & extract main points & ideas in/from texts
FE L1.9 Identify & understand the main points, ideas & details
FE E3.10 Identify different purposes of straightforward texts
FE E3.11 Use strategies to find meaning of words e.g. dictionary, context, word types
FE L1.17 Read & understand a range of specialist words in context
FE L1.16 Recognise vocabulary typically associated with specific types and purposes of texts (e.g. formal, informal, instructional, descriptive, explanatory and persuasive)
FE L1.18 Use knowledge of punctuation to aid understanding of texts
FE E3.15 Use mostly correct grammar e.g. subject-verb agreement, consistent use of tense, definite & indefinite articles
FE Writing composition
FE L1.20 Use correct grammar e.g. subject-verb agreement, consistent use of different tenses, definite & indefinite articles
Animals, animal care, farming & equine