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Find the range and use it to describe the spread within sets of data.
(a) Understand that the range is the difference between the highest and lowest values in a set of data
I have found that although some learners are able to calculate averages, they often struggle to interpret the results. This resource has been designed with this in mind.
Editor’s note
With answers, plus detailed curriculum mapping for both GCSE and Functional Maths
This is a data handling activity aimed at L1/2 learners that involves calculating the mean and range, constructing a bar chart and then making sense of what the results mean in a functional context.
More observant learners may rename this activity ‘Sophie’s choice’!
A useful introductory PPT and accompanying team data sheets for covering L1-2 statistics.
Mean, Mode, Median and Range: Investigation into house prices.
Students use to explore house prices in areas of their choice. For example pairs of students could explore house prices in different cities in the UK.
They will need access to computers. You will also need to establish criteria before they start to collect their data so that like for like houses are being compared. For example all of the groups are to compare prices of 2 bedroom flats in the cities of their choice.
Level 2
Level 1
Functional Maths - handling information and data
Functional Skills ICT: Finding and selecting information
[img_assist|nid=5329|title=|desc=|link=popup|align=left|width=100|height=70]A set of differentiated tasks for construction students. I used the E3-L1 task with my Entry to L1 group and then the more challenging task with my L1-L2 students.
The use of measure is aways useful for my students as it is something they need to practise constantly given their vocational areas. The lesson was enjoyed by all, especially the hands-on measuring task prompted lots of fun and discussion. Encourage students to get others to check their measurements and validate their results.
A 12 piece jigsaw where the square pieces form a rectangle. Learners to match questions on mean, mode, median and range to the correct answers.
Whatever their original format, all Tarsia jigsaws can also be printed out as flashcards / dominoes. As the print is quite small on the standard sized puzzle, you might find it helpful to print out the larger version of the puzzle (select Output – large, i.e. three pieces per A4 sheet).
A fun paired dice game that really gets across the meaning and purpose of finding the mode, median and range of a set of data. Great for footie fans – who can choose their own name for the home team.