ESOL Rt/E1.1b Obtain information from texts

Obtain information from texts (i) Understand social sight words and symbols, including ways of expressing prohibition (ii) Use context and key word recognition to infer meaning, i.e. know it is not always necessary to read every word in order to comprehend or gain information from text

Learners explore the contributions of five black (US) scientists and inventors. Suitable for Entry Levels 1, 2 & 3 and beyond.

Editor's notes

An interesting multi-purpose PPT that be used to focus on listening, reading or writing skills. Makes a complete lesson: warm up discussion, video link, Guess Who? quizzes and a final research / writing task.


Entry Level 1
Entry Level 2
Entry Level 3
FS Eng E1.2 Identify & extract the main information from short statements & explanations
FS Eng E2.1 Identify & extract main information & detail from short explanations
FS Eng E3.1 Identify & extract relevant information & detail in straightforward explanations
FE E1.10 Understand a short piece of text on a simple subject
FE E2.8 Understand the main points in texts
FE E3.9 Identify, understand & extract main points & ideas in/from texts
FE 1.16 Communicate information in words, phrases & simple sentences
FE E2.17 Communicate information using words & phrases appropriate to audience & purpose
FE E3.18 Communicate information, ideas & opinions clearly & in logical sequence e.g. chronologically, by task
ESOL Lr/E1.2a Listen for detail in short narratives and explanations
ESOL Lr/E2.2a Listen for detail in narratives and explanations
ESOL Lr/E3.3a Listen for relevant and new information on radio, TV, video, in face-to-face situations, and over the phone
ESOL Rt/E1.1a Follow a short narrative on a familiar topic or experience
ESOL Rt/E1.1b Obtain information from texts
ESOL Rt/E3.1a Understand how meaning is built up in a variety texts of more than one paragraph
ESOL Wt/E1.1a Compose very simple text to communicate ideas or basic information
ESOL Wt/E2.1a Compose simple text, selecting appropriate format for the genre and purpose
ESOL Wt/E3.2a
History, culture, museums, libraries

updated 3/12/24 (phone number on slide 6 corrected from 111 to 101)

A PowerPoint exploring the emergency services including 112 and gas emergencies. Simple text with images to encourage discussion and awareness concerning what is and what is not classed as an emergency. There is also a set of printable flash cards with suggestions.

Editor's notes

Entry Level 1
Entry Level 2
Entry Level 3
FS Eng E1.2 Identify & extract the main information from short statements & explanations
FS Eng E2.1 Identify & extract main information & detail from short explanations
FS Eng E3.1 Identify & extract relevant information & detail in straightforward explanations
FE E1.7 Understand & participate in simple discussions or exchanges with another person about a straightforward topic
FE E2.6 Make appropriate contributions to simple group discussions with others about a straightforward topic
FE E3.6 Make relevant contributions to group discussions about straightforward topics
FE E1.10 Understand a short piece of text on a simple subject
FE E2.8 Understand the main points in texts
ESOL Rt/E1.1b Obtain information from texts
ESOL Rw/E2.2a Recognise a range of familiar words
ESOL Lr/E1.2a Listen for detail in short narratives and explanations
ESOL Lr/E2.4a Listen to, follow and respond to explanations, directions and instructions
ESOL Lr/E3.3a Listen for relevant and new information on radio, TV, video, in face-to-face situations, and over the phone
Health and safety
Independent living

This resource is useful for lessons relating to sports and diversity. It includes reading comprehension, alphabetical ordering, reading simple instructions, using a map/key, and a short writing task.

Editor’s note
Written for E1-E2 ESOL students but also suitable for E1-2 Functional English.

Entry Level 1
Entry Level 2
Functional English - writing
Functional English reading
ESOL Ww/E1.2a Form the letters of the alphabet using upper and lower case
ESOL Rw/E2.5a Sequence words using basic alphabetical ordering skills
ESOL Rt/E1.1b Obtain information from texts
Sport and fitness

Photos and pictures to match with accounts of real emergency situations. All in the present tense. All the accounts are true. Accounts can be cut in to strips and given to pairs of learners who can put them in to a sequence to tell a story. Leads to discussion on how we tell a story, and how we sequence sentences to make sense.
Lots of new, real life vocabulary to provoke discussion.
Some stories shorter and simpler than others to allow for differentiation in group.

Entry Level 2
Entry Level 1
AL Rt/E2.1 Follow main points of short texts
AL Rt/E1.1 Read short familiar texts
Functional English reading
ESOL Rt/E2.1a Use a range of strategies to trace & understand main events
ESOL Rt/E1.1b Obtain information from texts
Employment skills & Public services

An easy reading for beginners followed by complete the sentence exercise and a prompt to write about themselves. Two sheets – one for British students, one for Australian learners.

Entry Level 1
AL Rt/E1.1 Read short familiar texts
ESOL Rt/E1.1b Obtain information from texts
ESOL Rt/E1.1a Follow a short narrative on a familiar topic or experience

A short reading text for beginners followed by comprehension exercises. Useful for revising early family vocabulary.

Entry Level 1
AL Rt/E1.1 Read short familiar texts
ESOL Rt/E1.1b Obtain information from texts
ESOL Rt/E1.1a Follow a short narrative on a familiar topic or experience

A short reading text for beginners, followed by fill the gap sentences. Two sheets – one for British students and one for Australian students.

Entry Level 1
AL Rt/E1.1 Read short familiar texts
ESOL Rt/E1.1b Obtain information from texts
ESOL Rt/E1.1a Follow a short narrative on a familiar topic or experience
Catering Food Nutrition

A fabulous set of integrated activities that cover food vocabulary, use of is/are, paired speaking and listening practice (asking the price of food – with fill-in dialogue cards), reading and writing shopping lists.

Entry Level 1
ESOL Rw/E1.1a Recognise a limited number of words, signs and symbols
ESOL Rt/E1.1b Obtain information from texts
ESOL Rs/E1.1a Read and recognise simple sentence structures:
ESOL Sc/E1.3b Ask for information
ESOL Sc/E1.4d Make statements of fact clearly
ESOL Ws/E1.1a Construct a simple sentence, using basic word order & verb form
Catering Food Nutrition
Independent living
Retail Hospitality Customer service

A trip to the cinema is an interactive narrative that follows family as they select a film to see (skimming and scanning), catch the bus (buying a ticket), ask for directions to the cinema, buy cinema tickets and snacks!
Provides prompts, dialogue scripts, maps and other ideas for speaking and listening work. Ideal for revision or recapping after student have covered buying things, giving directions, asking for information, etc.
Please read the notes area on slide 1 of this PPT for teaching ideas, curriculum links, etc.

Entry Level 1
ESOL Lr/E1.3b Follow directions
ESOL Rt/E1.1b Obtain information from texts
ESOL Rw/E1.1a Recognise a limited number of words, signs and symbols
ESOL Sc/E1.2a Make requests: ask for things or action
ESOL Sc/E1.3b Ask for information
ESOL Sc/E1.3c Ask for directions and location
ESOL Sc/E1.4c Give directions and instructions
Art Film Media Music Radio TV
Leisure, Hobbies, Travel & Tourism

Problems in the home PPT provides group spelling and vocabulary practice along with ideas for speaking practice. Look at the pictures, discuss what the people do (electricians, gas engineers, plumbers, etc.) and the problems they fix. Then type the correct spelling into the box (ideal with a cordless keyboard) before checking the correct spelling with a mouse click. Finish with some skimming and scanning practice using related information from the Yellow Pages.

Entry Level 1
Entry Level 2
ESOL Lr/E1.5c Take part in more formal exchanges
ESOL Lr/E1.4b Recognise different question words
ESOL Rt/E1.1a Follow a short narrative on a familiar topic or experience
ESOL Rt/E1.1b Obtain information from texts
ESOL Rw/E1.1a Recognise a limited number of words, signs and symbols
ESOL Sd/E1.1b Take part in more formal interaction
ESOL Ww/E1.1a Use and spell correctly some personal key words and familiar words
ESOL Ww/E1.1c Develop strategies to aid spelling
Independent living