An Australian version (i.e. uses A$, Australian vocabulary, etc.) of the popular Using Formulae v2 written by Gordon Noblett in 2007. Useful, realistic practice – questions cover mobiles, cooking, printing photos, plumbing rates, etc. Each multi-part question is cleverly staggered so that learners build up a set of answers and then find a 'rule'. Includes 'formulae expressed in words' so some questions also suitable for Level 1 (in addition to Level 2).
Level 1
Level 2
FM Straightforward problem(s) with more than 1 step
FM L1.5 Use simple formulae expressed in words for one or two-step operations
FM L2.3 Evaluate expressions & make substitutions in given formulae in words & symbols
SLC Discussion prep for FS Level L1/L2. To be used to prepare for the SLC Discussion. Aimed at people involved in or looking to work in the Construction Industry.
Editor's note
Really useful one page handout. Aimed at Functional English students studying/working in construction but much of the guidance is suitable for planning and preparing for any formal discussion.
Level 1
Level 2
T Levels - embedded maths or English
TL - Take part in / Lead discussions
FE L1.6 Follow / understand discussions & make contributions relevant to situation & subject
FE L1.7 Use appropriate phrases / registers & adapt contributions to take account of audience / purpose / medium
FE L1.8 Respect turn-taking rights of others during discussions, using appropriate language for interjection
FE L2.8 Make relevant and constructive contributions to move discussion forward
FE L2.9 Adapt contributions to discussions to suit audience, purpose & medium
FE L2.10 Interject & redirect discussion using appropriate language & register
Letter writing task to be used after a letter writing layout and paragraphing session has been taught, to assess understanding and readiness for a writing exam. This task is aimed at students undertaking Construction/Customer Service related courses alongside Functional Skills.
Editor's notes
Ideal exam practice for all L1-2 learners but particularly those in construction. For a more scaffolded approach use with a formal letter template (look under See also for examples).
A set of robust questions covering plans / scale drawings, calculating area, finding the best prices, percentages, ratios and much more. Mapped to the L1 and L2 Functional Maths criteria. 12 questions spread across 4 tasks: Loft Conversion, Social Club, College Canteen and Living Room.
A work book style resource to support the development of Functional Skills English for Construction students (also specific activities for Painting & Decorating and Plastering students). Editor’s note
Includes reading comprehension, planning leaflets, summarising key points, and report writing. With curriculum mapping (and very useful writing frames for lower level students).
5 questions, increasing in difficulty, to get learners to work out how many solar panels can fit on different size roofs. Involves metric conversions between mm, cm and m. Learners have to work with the panels being placed in 2 different orientations to work out the maximum number of panels that can fit.
Four challenging Functional Skills maths questions to encourage learners to use diagrams to cut shapes out of different materials. The questions are based on past Edexcel Functional skills exam questions that learners find difficult. Also involves metric conversions.
Editor’s note
Includes answer sheet and curriculum mapping. Excellent coverage of a topic that almost all learners find tricky.
Three challenging Functional skills questions to get learners to draw 2D representations of 3D objects using a given scale. The questions are based on an exam question from an Edexcel L2 paper last year that learners found difficult.
Editor’s note
With answers and curriculum mapping.
A short exercise for Construction students to read the official definition for several terms and then write their understanding of the definition in their own words.
A reading comprehension based on two texts about the importance of applying sunscreen and a very brief outline of research (2011) into the increased risk of skin cancer for some people working in the construction industry.
Editor’s note
With answer sheet, Functional English mapping, and a related writing activity. Suitable for L1-2.