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A 16 piece triangular jigsaw puzzle where pairs or small groups of learners must match grammatical terms to the correct examples. Use for revision or as an ice breaker or starter near the beginning of term (and as a disguised initial assessment!).

Guaranteed to prompt discussion as learners solve puzzle. Terms covered include: apostrophes, pronouns, phrases, proper nouns, conjunctions, statements, etc.

Level 2
Adult Literacy: Reading - sentence focus (punctuation & grammar)
Adult Literacy: writing - punctuation & grammar (Ws)

A 16 piece triangular jigsaw puzzle where pairs or small groups of learners must match the correct parts to create compound words. Use as a warm up or plenary activity. Guaranteed to create promote discussion as learners solve puzzle (which should be printed and laminated).

Entry Level 3
AL Ww/E3.1 Spell common words

Two 16 piece jigsaw puzzles with triangular pieces for learners to match up. Use for revision or as a warm-up activity. One covers the 3 times tables (from 0×3 to 17×3), the other covers the 5 times table in a similar fashion. The extension beyond the normal x10 (or x12) provides an extra challenge and will help learners develop mental multiplication strategies and a sense of number patterns.

Entry Level 3

Check out our ice breakers including some recent arrivals.

Functional Maths try Numeracy bingo ice breaker or Foods that we like.