Contextual Resources

Displaying 1 - 1 of 1 resources:

A recently designed resource that I wanted to share with my fellow skillsworkshop users. I wanted something to use with my learners as a spelling lesson. I have tried to involve various activities to help motivate and keep interest whilst learning spellings.

Resource includes a cloze exercise, comprehension questions, homophones and plurals, and a final crossword to check skills.

Level 1
Entry Level 3
Prefixes, suffixes & plurals
AL Ww/L1.1 Spell & use spelling strategies
AL Rt/L1.1 Understand continuous texts
AL Rt/E3.1 Understand longer texts
AL Ww/E3.2 Use phonic knowledge to help spelling
Homophones, homographs & confusables
History, culture, museums, libraries
Catering Food Nutrition