I adapted this from Helen Lloyd’s Planning a school party (see below). I used her idea to develop a task that my students could manage on their own while I was doing a first aid course. This version includes an extra task about providing a Santa and gifts, and I also included some simple fraction questions.
I used Helen’s supermarket list for prices of party food etc. As we have no ITC facilities, I downloaded and printed info from www.partydelights.co.uk for pocket money toys.
Open task where learners must plan a good value party for 68 children and present their budget to the headmaster. Ideal for revision of money, decimals, budgeting, estimating and presenting information.
An adapted version of Judith White’s pancake resource aimed at Level 1 (see below). I have created this resource to use with Entry 3 (and slightly higher E3/L1) learners.
Four tasks based on a traditional pancake recipe. Space is provided for showing working out and one task involves independent web research.
Covers number, simple proportion, money, time and measures. All three process skills are covered.
Selecting, formatting, inserting clip art / Word Art, tables, and proof reading practice – follow the onscreen instructions to produce a perfect invoice for Umbrellas Incorporated!