I think the learning outcomes quoted above relate to the OCR ICT Award (or similar) but this beautifully clear, step by step task sheet is ideal for any Level 1-2 ICT course.
Level 1
Level 2
Functional Skills ICT: Finding and selecting information
Functional Skills ICT: Developing, presenting and communicating information
A clear guidebook to computers (mouse, keyboard) and to using Microsoft Word. Ideal for E3-L1 Functional ICT and ECDL (European computer driving licence).
Investigate the possibility of a college stocking fairly traded products in its canteen. Covers many reading, writing, ICT, numeracy, speaking and listening skills inc. data handling, report writing, creating charts and questionnaires, giving a presentation, etc. Ideal for embedding all three functional skills (or literacy, numeracy and ICT) especially for business students.
Level 1
Level 2
Functional Skills English
General literacy / English
Data Handling
Functional Maths
Functional ICT
Level 1 and 2 CLAIT / ECDL
Generic resources for literacy, numeracy and beyond
A great set of resources for all levels from E1-L2. Includes information and worksheets, card / matching games and an IT drawing exercise.
Functional skills mapping and minor corrections made – August 2011.