ESOL Sc/E3.4b Give personal information

Sc/E3.4: express clearly statements of fact and give short explanations, accounts and descriptions
Sc/E3.4b: give personal information

  • Recognise direct and indirect requests for personal information, understand the type and amount of detail required, and respond appropriately. E.g. Formal interaction with a doctor, nurse or medical receptionist: - Have you ever had problems with your kidneys? - No, I haven't. - Do you have any difficulty with breathing? - Yes, I do sometimes. I have problems when I climb stairs. 
  • Use verb forms and time markers suitable for the level to give information about past, present and future: (a) present perfect with for/since, ever/never (b) present continuous (c) used to. Examples: I've lived in the UK for two years/since 1999. I have/I've never worked in an office. 
  • Be able to give specific information about time and place, using, e.g.: (a) prepositional phrases. E.g. At the moment I'm studying English at a college in Bolton. (b) subordinate clauses. E.g. When I lived in India, I used to own a shop​​​​​​.
  • Be able to respond to a question and follow up the response with further relevant information or comment, or with a reciprocal question. Example: - Have a good weekend? - Yes, very nice thanks. We took the kids to the seaside. And you?

(See also Lr/E3.5b)