ESOL Sd/E3.1e Make suggestions, give advice

Sd/E3.1e Make suggestions, give advice
(i) Use suitable phrases for:
(a) making suggestions, either inclusive or exclusive of the speaker. Example: Make suggestions: Let's go shopping. That's a good idea. Shall we have fish and chips?
(b) giving advice.
(c) asking for advice and suggestions. Example: Ask a friend for advice about a housing problem: What should I do? How about looking for a new flat? Yes, I think I'll have to do that.
(d) accepting and rejecting advice and suggestions.  Example:  What would you do? I think you should go to the housing office. I've already tried that and it didn't work.
(ii) Be aware of the importance of polite intonation with all of the above, and apply this.  Ask for advice from a careers officer: Can you give me some advice about job interviews?
(iii) Know that, in rejecting advice and suggestions, it is often necessary to give a reason, and do so, where appropriate

Source: Adult ESOL Core Curriculum (DfES, 2001) 

21/9/24 Apologies the wrong PDF was attached. The correct one is now available!

Role play prompts for higher beginners to E3. 

  1. Peter needs to take his son to the  hospital; he asks his manager for time off work
  2. A doctor at the hospital speaks to Peter's son

Editor's note

Another very useful set of  role play prompts from Jenny. Visit her page to find further sets

Entry Level 2
Entry Level 3
ESOL Sd/E2.1a Take part in social interaction
ESOL Sd/E2.1b Take part in more formal interaction
ESOL Sd/E2.1c Express likes and dislikes, feelings, wishes and hopes
ESOL Sd/E2.1d Express views and opinions
ESOL Sd/E2.1e Relate to other speakers
ESOL Sd/E3.1a Take part in social interaction
ESOL Sd/E3.1b Take part in more formal interaction
ESOL Sd/E3.1c Express feelings, likes and dislikes
ESOL Sd/E3.1d Express views and opinions
ESOL Sd/E3.1g Relate to other speakers
ESOL Sd/E3.1e Make suggestions, give advice
ESOL Sd/E3.1f Make arrangements or plans with other people
ESOL Sd/E3.2a Ask about people's feelings and opinion
Employment skills & Public services
Health, Social care, Early years