Animals, animal care, farming & equine

Resources with an animal care & equine context.

Writing tasks for E3, L1 and L2 English. 

Editor's notes

Wonderful! Clarissa is thinking of getting a pet. First, read and correct an email she receives from a friend. Then, compose your own email to Clarissa. Finally, finish an article about the pros and cons of pet ownership.

Note: Learners can write their responses on separate blank sheets of paper - or we have a selection of email writing frames available under "See also".

Level 1
Level 2
FE E3.13 Use a range of punctuation correctly (e.g. full stops, question marks, exclamation marks, commas)
FE L1.19 Use a range of punctuation correctly (e.g. full stops, question marks, exclamation marks, commas, possessive apostrophes)
FE L2.20 Punctuate writing correctly using a wide range of punctuation markers e.g. colons, commas, inverted commas, apostrophes, quotation marks
FE E3.17 Spell correctly words designated for Entry Level 3
FE L1.21 Spell words used most often in work, study and daily life, including specialist words
FE L2.22 Spell words used in work, study & daily life, including a range of specialist words
FE E3.21 Use compound sentences & paragraphs where appropriate
FE E3.20 Use appropriate format & structure inc. appropriate use of headings & bullet points
FE L1.24 Use format, structure & language appropriate for audience & purpose
FE L2.27 Use language & register (e.g. persuasive techniques, supporting evidence, specialist words) to suit audience & purpose
FE E3.19 Write text of appropriate length & level of detail
FE L1.23 Write text of appropriate level of detail & length to meet needs of purpose & audience
FE L2.24 Write text of appropriate level of detail & length to meet needs of purpose & audience
Animals, animal care, farming & equine

Read an example of written instructions that include several typical layout features of instructional texts. 
Followed by a choice of writing tasks to complete.

Suitable for Entry 3 through to Level 2 English Functional Skills.

Editor's note

Love the wide appeal of this resource: the sample instructions are those left for a babysitter but also include pets and cooking! The writing tasks cover preparing for a job interview or how to play a game (for example, online or board games).


Entry Level 3
Level 1
Level 2
FE E3.12 Understand organisational features & use them to locate relevant information
FE L1.14 Understand organisational / structural features use to locate relevant information
FE L2.16 Understand organisational features & use to locate relevant information in a range of sources
FE E3.20 Use appropriate format & structure inc. appropriate use of headings & bullet points
FE L1.24 Use format, structure & language appropriate for audience & purpose
FE L2.25 Organise writing for different purposes using appropriate format & structure e.g. standard templates, paragraphs, bullet points, tables
Catering Food Nutrition
Animals, animal care, farming & equine
Health, Social care, Early years
Employment skills & Public services
Leisure, Hobbies, Travel & Tourism

A descriptive poem on the theme of Nature.  Can be used as a reading and pronunciation exercise or may be extended to include a discussion about the seasons, local environments, the life cycle of animals and plants, global warming or the benefits of outdoor exercise.

Editor's notes

Super for many levels and situations - includes suggested questions and discussion prompts.

Entry Level 3
Level 1
Level 2
FS Eng SL&C Discussion
FE READING and understanding words
ESOL Speak clearly & with appropriate register
ESOL Engage in discussion (Sd)
ESOL: Follow/participate in exchanges or discussions
ESOL Rw/E3.1a Recognise and understand relevant specialist key words
ESOL Rw/E3.3a Use a dictionary to find the meaning of unfamiliar words
ESOL Rw/L1.1a Use reference material to find the meaning of unfamiliar words
ESOL Rw/L1.3a Recognise and understand an increasing range of vocabulary
ESOL Rw/L2.2a Use reference material to find the meanings of unfamiliar words
ESOL Rw/L2.3a Recognise & understand vocabulary associated with different text types
Animals, animal care, farming & equine
Gardening & Horticulture
Science, Nature & Weather
Mental health, awareness & psychology

A poem on the theme of urban nature.  Can be used as a reading and pronunciation exercise or may be extended to include a discussion around nature and wildlife, living in different environments or climate change.

Editor's notes

Super for many levels and situations - includes a list of suggested questions/prompts.

Entry Level 2
Entry Level 3
Level 1
Level 2
FS Eng SL&C Discussion
FE READING and understanding words
ESOL Speak clearly & with appropriate register
ESOL Engage in discussion (Sd)
ESOL: Follow/participate in exchanges or discussions
ESOL Trace and understand main events of a text
Science, Nature & Weather
Animals, animal care, farming & equine

Basic vocabulary word sorts, the first being based on fruit, vegetables and drinks, and the second on places (e.g. town, city), food and animals. Tasks and extension tasks on the same sheet. Scissors needed for separating the cards. Works best with students working in pairs.

Editor's notes

Sometimes the simplest ideas are the best! With useful extension ideas. Laminate for repeated use. Also handy for Functional English alphabetical order work

Entry Level 1
Entry Level 2
FE E2.15 Use 1st & 2nd letters to sequence words alphabetically
ESOL Sd/E1.1a Take part in social interaction
ESOL Rw/E1.1a Recognise a limited number of words, signs and symbols
ESOL Rw/E2.2a Recognise a range of familiar words
ESOL Rw/E2.5a Sequence words using basic alphabetical ordering skills
Catering Food Nutrition
Animals, animal care, farming & equine

Here is another reading comprehension that I made. Based on a BBC news article about the sad fate of the alpaca Geronimo. A few of my colleagues at work have used it (Bucks Adult Learning) and they said it worked well - Level 1/Level 2 Functional Skills English (inc. ESOL learners). Questions cover language features, purpose, using  punctuation to aid understanding, vocabulary/dictionary work, inferring from images, and organisational features.

Level 1
Level 2
FE L1.14 Understand organisational / structural features use to locate relevant information
FE L2.16 Understand organisational features & use to locate relevant information in a range of sources
FE L1.12 Recognise that language & other textual features can be varied to suit different audiences & purposes
FE L2.14 Understand how textual features/devices can shape meaning for different audiences/purposes
FE L1.15 Infer from images meanings not explicit in the accompanying text
FE L1.18 Use knowledge of punctuation to aid understanding of texts
FE L1.13 Use reference materials & appropriate strategies for a range of purposes, inc. to find word meanings
FE L1.17 Read & understand a range of specialist words in context
FE READING and understanding words
Animals, animal care, farming & equine
News, Politics & Government items

A lovely activity to use with groups of learners who are developing basic IT skills. This lesson focusses on the basic features of PowerPoint. The topic for this lesson is 'endangered animals' which is something that can start interesting discussions about the environment and sustainability as well as eliciting vocabulary for animals if working with ESOL learners.

Editor's note

Entry Level 1
Entry Level 2
FE READING understanding and locating information
FE E2.7 Read correctly words designated for Entry Level 2
ESOL Rw/E2.2a Recognise a range of familiar words
ESOL Rw/E2.3a Use context & range of phonic / graphic knowledge to decode words
ESOL Rw/E3.1a Recognise and understand relevant specialist key words
Entry 1 and 2 ICT
Functional Skills ICT: Using ICT
Functional Skills ICT: Developing, presenting and communicating information
Science, Nature & Weather
Animals, animal care, farming & equine

This is a version of the fantastic Pet Centipede resource (Marion Martin. Oct 2009) that I've adapted to more closely match E2 Functional Skills exam style.

Editor's notes

I love it when Skillsworkshop resources are recycled and updated :).  Perfect for Entry Level 2: questions cover general comprehension (main points), contractions, plurals, using a dictionary/vocabulary and alphabetical order. 

Entry Level 2
FE E2.7 Read correctly words designated for Entry Level 2
FE E2.8 Understand the main points in texts
FE E2.10 Use effective strategies to find words meanings & check spelling e.g. simple dictionary, spell-checker
FE E2.15 Use 1st & 2nd letters to sequence words alphabetically
FE E2.14 Form regular plurals
Animals, animal care, farming & equine

AQA GCSE English Language Paper 2 style exam practice. Source A is from a contemporary memoir "Life As A Unicorn" by Amrou Al-Kadhi. Source B is adapted from a Victorian article about aquariums. The questions mimic AQA Paper 2; questions 1 to 5. Question 5 asks students to write an article about gender roles. The whole paper reflects the advance information given by AQA about the summer 2022 exams; a memoir paired with a Victorian essay and an article writing task. 

Editor's notes

GCSE Reading AO1a Identify/interpret explicit & implicit information & ideas
GCSE Reading AO1b Select & synthesise evidence from different texts
GCSE English Reading AO2 Explain & analyse language & structure
GCSE Reading AO3 Compare writers’ ideas & perspectives across 2 or more texts
GCSE Writing AO5(a) Use tone, style and register for different forms, purposes & audiences
GCSE Writing AO5(b) Organise information using structural and grammatical features
GCSE Writing AO6 Vocabulary, sentence structure, spelling, punctuation
Animals, animal care, farming & equine

Read the extract from 'Are cat cafes good for cats?' and then answer the comprehension questions. When you have finished, complete the writing task.

Editor's note

Covers many E3-L1 content descriptors including: main points and detail, purpose of text, using punctuation to aid understanding, language features, dictionary/vocabulary work and  distinguishing between fact and option. Ideal for mixed level groups. Each question is mapped to the relevant subject content descriptor. 

Entry Level 3
Level 1
FE E3.9 Identify, understand & extract main points & ideas in/from texts
FE E3.10 Identify different purposes of straightforward texts
FE E3.11 Use strategies to find meaning of words e.g. dictionary, context, word types
FE L1.9 Identify & understand the main points, ideas & details
FE L1.11 Identify meanings in texts & distinguish between fact & opinion
FE L1.12 Recognise that language & other textual features can be varied to suit different audiences & purposes
FE L1.13 Use reference materials & appropriate strategies for a range of purposes, inc. to find word meanings
FE L1.18 Use knowledge of punctuation to aid understanding of texts
FE Writing composition
Animals, animal care, farming & equine
Retail Hospitality Customer service