Functional Maths - problem solving
Although underpinning knowledge is tested in its own right, problem solving is a core element of Functional Skills mathematics yet should not obscure or add additional mathematical complexity beyond the level of the qualification. Defining problem solving is a challenge but the attributes below are helpful. Not all (in fact often just one) of the listed attributes must be present in a single task for it to be considered to be problem-solving.
- Tasks that have little or no scaffolding: there is little guidance given to the student beyond a start point and a finish point. Questions do not explicitly state the mathematical process(es) required for the solution.
- Tasks that provide for multiple representations, such as use of a sketch or a diagram as well as calculations.
- The information is not given in mathematical form or in mathematical language; or there is a need for the results to be interpreted or methods evaluated, for example, in a real-world context.
- Tasks have a variety of techniques that could be used.
- The solution requires understanding of the processes involved rather than just application of the techniques.