The Budget
Submitted by Leia Fee on 30 June 2010.
A fabulous, very clear lesson plan ideal for money-management / personal finance classes. The mathematical focus is on percentages (VAT) but it also covers rounding and extracting data and can be used in mixed ability classes from E2 -L2.
The plan also includes links to online Budget videos, a ‘chop or not’ game, VAT calculators and more!
Also suitable for underpinning L1 Functional Maths, and linked to Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship (ESDGC).
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2 pages
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Money Management
Thank you for posting this. I learned a lot more about how to budget more your money wisely and effectively. I must say that all of us should have a knowledge about finance so that it would be easy for us in knowing what would be the result when we are spending our money.
In addition, I approve of the new program of education [in the US] where they will adding this topic as a subject for education. Financial literacy will be on the agenda for Virginia high school students this fall. USA Today states that incoming freshmen will be required to take classes in financial literacy. This makes Virginia one of the few states – along with Missouri, Utah and TN – that currently require aimed financial literacy training. Source of article: More state educational facilities are requiring financial literacy courses