Practice L1 Numeracy test
A fabulous 40 question practice paper written to provide challenging extra practice after a group of learners participated in a very difficult L1 numeracy test (the levels of the national test certainly do seem to be erratic at times, and definitely harder than when it was first introduced). Unlike the national test, the questions in this test are not multiple choice – making it equally suitable for initial assessment in both L1 and L2 classes. Covers all areas of the curriculum.
Functional Maths as this assessment is not multiple choice it also provides useful practice for E3-L1 Functional Maths. For Functional Maths insist that students write their answers on a separate sheet, showing all their working out (including proof that they have checked their answers) and state their answers clearly.
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Level 1 practice test
I agree with you that some of the ALAN tests are harder than others. I used this resource with a group of learners who had achieved Level 1 adult numeracy and are now working towards level 2. It threw them a bit because it was not multiple choice answers and it certainly helped them to focus on their individual learning goals for this course.
Thank you Dave