GCSE Paper 2 Q4 - High Heels and Suits

Two part session, exploring Paper 2 Question 4 (GCSE English Language AQA).  Slides contain texts with guidance and prompts to upgrade responses.  Part 2 slides has voice over reading of text which can be played whilst in present mode.   Accompanying the slides are Text Sources for learner exploration, highlighting and annotation. 

Editor's notes

Complete, ready made lessons - ideal for assessment and revision. Super choice of texts (one from Caitlin Moran, one an 1890 diary entry from R D Blumenfeld). Marvellous!

Physical format
P2 Q4 - Part 1= widescreen PPT 13 slides
P2 Q4 - Part 2 = widescreen PPT 14 slides
P2 Q4 - Source Texts = 3 page PDF