Floods UK 2014 L1-2 Functional English

Updated June 2017
New Entry 3 reading and writing tasks added. Available below as a separate PDF file. You will also need to download the L1-2 version as it uses the same text.

[img_assist|nid=5573|title=|desc=|link=popup|align=left|width=84|height=100]Functional English resource for Level 1/2 learners, working on Speaking and Listening, Reading and Writing. The PowerPoint presentation was used as a quiz to see if learners could recognise the flooded places and to encourage discussion leading onto the reading work.
Further opportunity is included for practising writing skills. A discussion was included on ‘Britain has the best climate in the world – do you agree?’

Editor’s note (Jan 23, 15.15)
Typo (p2) and several hyperlinks fixed

Physical format
14 page PDF. 10 screen PPT


Parmjit Raj (not verified)

Sun, 2014-11-23 15:37

I used this resource with level 1 and 2 functional skills and it worked really well.
I would use it again