Big Brother Functional Skills discussion task

I first used this was used as practice for the written and spoken part of Functional Skills exams.

Learners need to begin by discussing TV shows and hopefully someone will mention Big Brother. Then they have to write about 150 words about what sort of housemate they would be in the house.

Next they have to read through the 20 housemate descriptions and choose 10 of them to join them. This needs to be a team decision.

Then they are shown pictures of the people they have chosen which creates discussion about prejudices / preconceptions. Teachers may choose their own pictures depending on the equality / diversity issues they want to raise with their learners. As an example I have a transexual for picture 1 and an elderly lady for picture 4.

Fully mapped to the L1 and L2 Functional English speaking, listening and communication criteria. (Also provides practice in reading and writing skills).

Physical format
3 pages


I teach adult learners with learning difficulties and/or disabilities in an FE college and based this week’s session around the ‘Big Brother’ resource. They absolutely loved it and because interest was stirred, each of them fully engaged and produced some impressive pieces of writing.