Recent Changes

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The new Skills Workshop website went live today at just past 4pm.

Many thanks to all those who helped with testing the site before it went live, and congratulations to Maggie for getting though the mammoth task of checking all the links and resources.

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I have now checked all the auto-imported external links from the old Useful Links page. All 250+ links have been checked and many have been re-catalogued. The main categories covered are:

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I’ve added a table listing recent comments added about resources and external links.

You can find the list from the “Recent changes” menu item, then by clicking on the “Comments” button. The page URL is /recent/comments

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I have now checked and correctly catalogued all 1250 resources on this site. These are resources dating from April 2001 to July 2010.

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If you select an MSS1 or MSS2 curriculum element and click on it, the full description of the element will be given at the top of the search list.

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There was a problem with the search filter blocks, which was preventing most of the categories from displaying filters to help narrow down searches.

I’ve fixed this, and changed the look of the filter boxes so they stand out a bit better.

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If you click on a specific ‘resource type’ (e.g. worksheet, ice breaker, cloze exercise) further information will now be given at the top of the search list. E.g. the full description for ‘Ice breaker’ is: ‘An activity to help students to get to know each other.

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If you select a pre-Entry curriculum element and click on it, the full description of the element will be given at the top of the search list. E.g. the full description for Rtc/M7.1 is “Distinguish betweeen (a) print (b) text © symbols (d) images.”

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The Pre-Entry resources as imported didn’t have levels M7 or M8 applied to them. I’ve now found all pre-entry resources that didn’t have a pre-entry level, and have assigned the relevant levels to them all.

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I’ve fixed the problem with the literacy list: it was incorrectly only listing resources that were useful for Pre-Entry…