pre-Entry N1/M8.7 Add single-digit numbers reliably to five, & with support to 10

Pre-Entry Numeracy > Whole numbers > N1/M8.7

Add single-digit numbers (a) reliably to five (b) with support to 10

Example: simple stock-taking or checking activity

Source: Adult pre-entry curriculum framework for Literacy and Numeracy (DfES, 2002)

A series of question sheets for learners to count, compare, add and subtract numbers of different fruits.

Learners' reference a front sheet displaying a collection of pictures of fruits to answer a series of questions covering; counting and comparing numbers to 10, words describing quantity, addition and subtraction. Question texts are supported with Makaton symbols and with Numicon shapes to support pre-entry learners' understanding. 

pre-Entry N1/M7.4 Relate numbers to collections of objects to three, & with support up to five
pre-Entry N1/M7.6 Subtract single-digit numbers reliably from numbers to 3, & with support from numbers to 5
pre-Entry N1/M8.3 Count reliably up to 5 items, & with inconsistencies, up to 10 items
pre-Entry N1/M8.4 Compare two given numbers of objects in groups of up to five, commnicating which is more/less
pre-Entry N1/M8.5 recognise, use, record & know value of numerals 0-10
pre-Entry N1/M8.6 Relate numbers to collections of objects reliably to five, & with support to 10
pre-Entry N1/M8.7 Add single-digit numbers reliably to five, & with support to 10
pre-Entry N1/M8.8 Subtract single-digit numbers reliably from numbers to five , &) with support from numbers to 10
Catering Food Nutrition

A set of two worksheets for Milestone 7 and 8. To be used after lots of practical, hands-on activities.

pre-Entry N1/M7.6 Subtract single-digit numbers reliably from numbers to 3, & with support from numbers to 5
pre-Entry N1/M8.7 Add single-digit numbers reliably to five, & with support to 10
pre-Entry N1/M8.10 Recognise and apply +, -, =

A fabulous set of resources adapted from the Entry 1 Skills for Life materials at Covers most N1 Milestone 8 curriculum elements. Created so that E1 and M8 students in a mixed ability class had similar materials to work from.
Judy stresses that this resource should not be used in isolation but alongside lots and lots of practical activities.

pre-Entry N1/M8.1 Join in rote counting to 10
pre-Entry N1/M8.2 Continue rote counting onward within the range 1-10,
pre-Entry N1/M8.3 Count reliably up to 5 items, & with inconsistencies, up to 10 items
pre-Entry N1/M8.4 Compare two given numbers of objects in groups of up to five, commnicating which is more/less
pre-Entry N1/M8.5 recognise, use, record & know value of numerals 0-10
pre-Entry N1/M8.6 Relate numbers to collections of objects reliably to five, & with support to 10
pre-Entry N1/M8.7 Add single-digit numbers reliably to five, & with support to 10
pre-Entry N1/M8.9 Use ordinal numbers, from 'first' to 'fifth'
pre-Entry N1/M8.10 Recognise and apply +, -, =