pre-Entry N1/M8.1 Join in rote counting to 10

Pre-Entry Numeracy > Whole numbers > N1/M8.1 

Join in rote counting to 10

Source: Adult pre-entry curriculum framework for Literacy and Numeracy (DfES, 2002)

A counting game along similar lines to Snakes and Ladders. Learners will learn turn-taking, following instruction & basic counting skills. In addition, they will pick up social and communication skills along the way.

(Print onto A3 – a dice and counters needed)

Editor’s note
A PPT version is also included to enable the game to be played on a smartboard.

Entry Level 1
AN N1/E1.1 Count reliably up to 10 items
Functional Maths - numbers and the number system
pre-Entry SLlr/M8.3 Listen to and answer simple single step instructions / requests
pre-Entry N1/M8.1 Join in rote counting to 10
Independent living

Topical PPT adapted from Chris Farrell’s How many smileys 1-20 (see below).
use as a starter in pre-Entry/ E1 ESOL, Maths or literacy groups.

Clicking reveals the number (as a digit) and a further click reveals the number spelt out as a word. Good used with small individual whiteboards.

Entry Level 1
pre-Entry N1/M8.1 Join in rote counting to 10
Sport and fitness

Powerpoint for practising numbers to 20, not necessarily all at once.

Used as a starter with all ESOL maths groups to check the spelling of numbers. I created it for E1 / E2 and it could be used for ESOL, Literacy or Numeracy classes.

A selection of smileys are shown on each slide. Clicking reveals the number (as a digit) and a further click reveals the number spelt out as a word. Good used with small individual whiteboards.

Entry Level 1
AN N1/E1.2 Read & write numbers up to 10 inc. zero
AN N1/E1.1 Count reliably up to 10 items
pre-Entry N1/M8.1 Join in rote counting to 10
ESOL Ww/E1.1a Use and spell correctly some personal key words and familiar words

A powerpoint used as a starter with all ESOL maths groups to check the spelling of numbers. I created it for E1 / E2, but always use it as a check with E3 – L2 at the beginning of the year. They all enjoy it and never complain it should be for babies. It could be used for ESOL, Literacy or Numeracy classes.

A selection of smileys are shown on each slide. Clicking reveals the number (as a digit) and a further click reveals the number spelt out as a word. Would be good used with small individual whiteboards.

Entry Level 1
Entry Level 2
AN N1/E2.2 Read, write, order & compare numbers to 100; odd even nos.
AN N1/E2.1 Count reliably to 100, count on in 2s and 10s
AN N1/E1.2 Read & write numbers up to 10 inc. zero
AN N1/E1.1 Count reliably up to 10 items
Whole Numbers
pre-Entry N1/M8.1 Join in rote counting to 10
ESOL Ww/E2.1a Spell correctly majority of personal details & familiar common words
ESOL Ww/E1.1a Use and spell correctly some personal key words and familiar words

A fabulous set of resources adapted from the Entry 1 Skills for Life materials at Covers most N1 Milestone 8 curriculum elements. Created so that E1 and M8 students in a mixed ability class had similar materials to work from.
Judy stresses that this resource should not be used in isolation but alongside lots and lots of practical activities.

pre-Entry N1/M8.1 Join in rote counting to 10
pre-Entry N1/M8.2 Continue rote counting onward within the range 1-10,
pre-Entry N1/M8.3 Count reliably up to 5 items, & with inconsistencies, up to 10 items
pre-Entry N1/M8.4 Compare two given numbers of objects in groups of up to five, commnicating which is more/less
pre-Entry N1/M8.5 recognise, use, record & know value of numerals 0-10
pre-Entry N1/M8.6 Relate numbers to collections of objects reliably to five, & with support to 10
pre-Entry N1/M8.7 Add single-digit numbers reliably to five, & with support to 10
pre-Entry N1/M8.9 Use ordinal numbers, from 'first' to 'fifth'
pre-Entry N1/M8.10 Recognise and apply +, -, =