Pre-Entry Resources

Displaying 1 - 4 of 4 resources:

A counting game along similar lines to Snakes and Ladders. Learners will learn turn-taking, following instruction & basic counting skills. In addition, they will pick up social and communication skills along the way.

(Print onto A3 – a dice and counters needed)

Editor’s note
A PPT version is also included to enable the game to be played on a smartboard.

Entry Level 1
AN N1/E1.1 Count reliably up to 10 items
Functional Maths - numbers and the number system
pre-Entry SLlr/M8.3 Listen to and answer simple single step instructions / requests
pre-Entry N1/M8.1 Join in rote counting to 10
Independent living

Great game for preEntry-E1 numeracy and literacy learners. Choice of word or (mostly) picture tiles provides easy differentiation. Can also used for individual matching games.

Entry Level 1
AL Rw/E1.1 Have limited, meaningful sight vocabulary of words, signs, symbols
pE Rtc/M7.3
pre-Entry Rtc/M8.3 When working with texts communicate about persons, characters, events, objects
pre-Entry Rw/M7.3 Recognise & select up to ten personal words, signs, symbols
pre-Entry Rw/M8.3 Recognise & read a growing no. of words signs symbols
pre-Entry N1/M7.3 Identify and use numerals from 1 to 5
pre-Entry N1/M8.5 recognise, use, record & know value of numerals 0-10
ESOL Rw/E1.1a Recognise a limited number of words, signs and symbols
ESOL Rw/E1.3b Recognise digits

A Simple and straightforward 16 piece jigsaw that makes a great group activity. Cardinal and ordinal numbers are matched with number words to form a triangle. This puzzle constructs sequentially, i.e. the word ‘one’ is at the triangle’s apex, matching with 1, then two, underneath it and so on up to 10 in cardinals and 8th in ordinals (this makes it a lot easier for preEntry learners to see how the triangle is constructed).

Entry Level 1
AN N1/E1.2 Read & write numbers up to 10 inc. zero
AN N1/E1.3 Order & compare numbers up to 10 inc. zero
pre-Entry N1/M6.4 Recognise numerals 1 to 3, & with some inconsistencies 1 to 5
pre-Entry N1/M7.3 Identify and use numerals from 1 to 5
pre-Entry N1/M7.7 Use ordinal numbers 'first' & 'second'
pre-Entry N1/M8.5 recognise, use, record & know value of numerals 0-10
pre-Entry N1/M8.9 Use ordinal numbers, from 'first' to 'fifth'

For improving visual figure-ground skills, expressive language development, matching and counting symbols.

pre-Entry SLlr/M6.1 Respond to familiar people demonstrating understanding of simple questions
pre-Entry SLlr/M7.2 Listen to simple questions on familiar topics & give simple responses
pre-Entry SLlr/M8.2 Listen to & answer simple questions about personal details/experiences/events & narratives
pre-Entry SLc/M6.1 Use phrases of up to 3 key words/signs to communicate simple ideas
pre-Entry SLc/M7.5 Make simple statements about simple and personal matters
pre-Entry SLc/M8.1 Use key words, signs, symbols when communicating about own experiences, and to recount a narrative
pre-Entry Rtc/M6.2 Find & name key images, characters, events
pre-Entry Rtc/M7.1 Distinguish between print, text, symbols, images
pre-Entry N1/M6.3 Count reliably up to 3 objects & with inconsistencies up to 5e objects
pre-Entry N1/M6.4 Recognise numerals 1 to 3, & with some inconsistencies 1 to 5
pre-Entry N1/M7.4 Relate numbers to collections of objects to three, & with support up to five
Generic resources for literacy, numeracy and beyond