Pre-Entry Resources

Displaying 31 - 40 of 84 resources:

A flexible set of exercises based on common classroom items such as pens, pencils. folders, hole punch, etc. Can be used in a variety of ways – with or without learner support. Includes worksheets and flash / matching cards. Detailed preEntry mapping information. First used at the start of the academic year with a new preEntry class.

Entry Level 1
AL Rw/E2.2 Recognise high frequency words & words with common spelling patterns
Adult Lit Rw/E1.1 Have limited, meaningful sight vocabulary of words, signs, symbols
AL Apply strategies to spell correctly
pre-Entry Rw/M8.2 Associate sounds with patterns in letters, syllables, words,
pre-Entry Rw/M8.3 Recognise & read a growing no. of words signs symbols
pre-Entry Wt/M8.4 Use words, letters, signs, symbols & images in supported writing for simple purposes
pre-Entry Ww/M8.1 Write with appropriate grip making many controlled letter shapes & using a conventional sequence of letters
pre-Entry Ww/M8.2 Associate sounds with patterns in some letters, syllables. words, rhymes, songs
Independent living
Education and teaching

A flexible and appealing set of exercises that can be used in a variety of ways – with or without learner support. Two worksheets for reading and spelling common items of food and drink, plus word cards. preEntry mapping information. First used as a preEntry revision exercise.

Entry Level 1
Adult Lit Rw/E1.2 Decode simple, regular words
Adult Lit Rw/E1.1 Have limited, meaningful sight vocabulary of words, signs, symbols
AL Apply strategies to spell correctly
pre-Entry Rw/M8.2 Associate sounds with patterns in letters, syllables, words,
pre-Entry Rw/M8.3 Recognise & read a growing no. of words signs symbols
pre-Entry Wt/M8.4 Use words, letters, signs, symbols & images in supported writing for simple purposes
pre-Entry Ww/M8.1 Write with appropriate grip making many controlled letter shapes & using a conventional sequence of letters
pre-Entry Ww/M8.2 Associate sounds with patterns in some letters, syllables. words, rhymes, songs
Catering Food Nutrition

Straightforward but very practical worksheet where ESOL learners select a garment and answer questions about its washing care symbols. The written questions require at least E1 reading skills but other parts of the worksheet focus on symbol recognition and are thus suitable for pre-Entry emerging readers / writers.
Note: for more on laundry symbols see “Buying Clothes” PPT below.

Entry Level 1
Adult Lit Rw/E1.1 Have limited, meaningful sight vocabulary of words, signs, symbols
Rs/E1.1 Read and recognise simple sentence structures
pre-Entry Rtc/M8.3 When working with texts communicate about persons, characters, events, objects
pre-Entry Rw/M8.3 Recognise & read a growing no. of words signs symbols
Independent living

Lovely set of preEntry worksheets. Covers letter and word recognition, handwriting, shapes, counting and lots of discussion! Topics includes pizza slices, pizza toppings, and sharing a pizza. With detailed teaching notes and preEntry mapping.

pre-Entry Rtc/M8.3 When working with texts communicate about persons, characters, events, objects
pre-Entry Rw/M8.1Recognise letters of the alphabet by shape, name, sound
pre-Entry Rw/M8.3 Recognise & read a growing no. of words signs symbols
pre-Entry Ww/M8.1 Write with appropriate grip making many controlled letter shapes & using a conventional sequence of letters
pre-Entry N1/M8.3 Count reliably up to 5 items, & with inconsistencies, up to 10 items
pre-Entry N1/M8.5 recognise, use, record & know value of numerals 0-10
pre-Entry N1/M8.6 Relate numbers to collections of objects reliably to five, & with support to 10
Catering Food Nutrition

The worksheets can be used as seems appropriate for your learners. My method was for learners to identify the seasons and write the names beneath the pictures – I had put them on the board in a random order for learners to be able to use first and second letter recognition to match the words and pictures.

The days of the week sheet was used as a recapping tool – learners insert the first letter, then fold at the dotted line and write them out again. This was followed by a Q and A session on ‘what do you do on…’ to get learners talkiing about activities.

Entry Level 1
pre-Entry Rtc/M8.3 When working with texts communicate about persons, characters, events, objects
pre-Entry Rs/M8.1 Understand that words are grouped together to convey meaning, using rules & structure
pre-Entry Rw/M8.2 Associate sounds with patterns in letters, syllables, words,
pre-Entry Rw/M8.3 Recognise & read a growing no. of words signs symbols
pre-Entry Wt/M8.4 Use words, letters, signs, symbols & images in supported writing for simple purposes
pre-Entry Ws/M8.1 Understand that words are grouped together to convey meaning, using rules & structure
pre-Entry Ww/M8.1 Write with appropriate grip making many controlled letter shapes & using a conventional sequence of letters
pre-Entry Ww/M8.2 Associate sounds with patterns in some letters, syllables. words, rhymes, songs
ESOL Writing (W)
ESOL Reading (R)

How ‘flash’ presentation of social sight vocabulary proved to be motivating. The technique is described and some thoughts about why it seems to have such positive effects on several different levels are offered, and feedback sought.

Entry Level 1
Entry Level 2
Adult Lit Rw/E1.1 Have limited, meaningful sight vocabulary of words, signs, symbols
pre-Entry Rw/M8.3 Recognise & read a growing no. of words signs symbols

A 7 page work / activity book originally written for Milestone 7-8, E1 ESOL students but also suitable for literacy students. Covers reading (or listening to) a simple narrative, comprehension, spelling/handwriting and reading key words (match words to pictures and pictures to phrases).

Entry Level 1
General literacy / English
pre-Entry General

Housework is a set of three related resources:
Housework is a very funny video (with a rather predictable ending!) accompanied by words and jolly music and designed to introduce, complement or summarise the two related resources below.
Although aimed at M8-E2, ESOL/Literacy groups of all levels will enjoy this video and it is bound to prompt disucssion. Supplied as a zipped WMV (Windows Media Video) file (6.8 MB). A big thank you must go to Janet Fletcher who co-authored this video!

Entry Level 1
Entry Level 2
Adult Literacy: writing composition (Wt)
Adult Lit Rw/E1.1 Have limited, meaningful sight vocabulary of words, signs, symbols
Adult literacy: reading comprehension (Rt)
pre-Entry Rw/M8.3 Recognise & read a growing no. of words signs symbols
ESOL Rw/E1.1a Recognise a limited number of words, signs and symbols
ESOL: Writing - text focus (composition)
ESOL: Reading text focus - comprehension (Rt)
Independent living

Big letters reading game is a board game that provides practice reading individual letter sounds and common phonemes such as ch, sh, & th. Best laminated – you will need a die and counters.

Entry Level 1
Adult Lit Rw/E1.3 Recognise the letters of the alphabet in both upper and lower case
Adult Lit Rw/E1.2 Decode simple, regular words
pre-Entry Rw/M8.2 Associate sounds with patterns in letters, syllables, words,
ESOL Rw/E1.3a Identify letters of alphabet in both upper & lower case
ESOL Rw/E1.2a Use basic sound-letter correspondence to sound out words

A set of question words that can be used in E1 ESOL classes at the start of the year. Also ideal for Literacy students (asking questions and sentence structure). To be cut up and reconstructed by learners as the teacher calls out various questions.

Entry Level 1
AL SLc/E1.3
pre-Entry SLc/M8.2 Ask questions using key words, signs, symbols to obtain information
ESOL Sc/E1.3a  Ask for personal details