Medium term E1 literacy plans x 3

This set of 3 medium term plans follow on from an earlier E1 2-term scheme of work (see below)
and can save you a lot of time andenergy!
Note: for those in FE not used to school terminology. A medium term plan is more detailed than a scheme of work but not as detailed as a lesson plan.

Based on the E1 DfES Skills for Life materials at…
(These are comprehsnive, complete sets of free PDF resources: simnply folow the links to the correct level and unit number)
E1 Unit 1 Lost and Found – Terms 1 and 2
E1 Unit 2 Keeping Healthy – Terms 3 and 4
E1 Unit 3 Where I live – Terms 5 and 6

Each PDF covers one DfES topic and includes includes an overview sheet/front cover followed by the plans for two terms of 6/7 weeks each.

Resource type
Physical format
3 PDFs 5-7 pages each