FM E2.19 Recognise & name 2-D & 3-D shapes including pentagons, hexagons, cylinders, cuboids, pyramids, spheres

E2.19 Recognise and name 2-D and 3-D shapes including pentagons, hexagons, cylinders, cuboids, pyramids, spheres

Subject content [reformed] functional skills: Mathematics (DfE, Feb 2018):

A revision task for Entry 1 and Entry 2 Functional Maths, based on the City and Guilds assessments. Includes comparing weight and prices, calculations with money, and 3D shapes. 

There is a 'running' version and a worksheet.  The running version is designed to be cut into strips. Students work in pairs or small groups on question 1 and one person 'runs' to the teacher when they have written the answer on their strip. If the answer is correct, the teacher gives the next question to take back to their partner.  This can get competitive! 

Entry Level 1
Entry Level 2
FM Contextualised underpinning
FM Simple one step problem(s)
FM E1.1 Read, write, order, compare numbers to 20
FM E1.3 Add numbers which total up to 20, & subtract numbers from numbers up to 20
FM E2.10 Recognise simple fractions (halves, quarters, tenths) of whole numbers & shapes
FM E1.9 Identify & recognise common 2-D & 3-D shapes inc. circle, cube, rectangle (inc. square) & triangle
FM E2.19 Recognise & name 2-D & 3-D shapes including pentagons, hexagons, cylinders, cuboids, pyramids, spheres
FM E1.8 Describe & make comparisons between measures of items inc. size, length, width, height, weight, capacity

These two PowerPoints cover the properties of  2D and 3D shapes (E2-E3) - faces, edges, vertices and line symmetry. This is assessed using a quiz in PPT1. Both PPTs then move on to recognising nets and drawing nets of cubes and cuboids (now found in Level 1 exams). The second PPT can be printed off and used as a workbook.  I have also included two links to You tube but you can use your own favourite shape/nets video links if you prefer.

Editor's note

Entry Level 2
Entry Level 3
Level 1
FM Context free underpinning
FM E2.19 Recognise & name 2-D & 3-D shapes including pentagons, hexagons, cylinders, cuboids, pyramids, spheres
FM E2.20 Describe properties of common 2-D & 3-D shapes including nos. of sides, corners, edges, faces, angles & base
FM E3.19 Sort 2-D & 3-D shapes using properties including lines of symmetry, length, right angles, angles inc. in rectangles & triangles
FM L1.24 Draw 2-D shapes & demonstrate an understanding of line symmetry & knowledge of the relative size of angles
FM L1.25 Interpret plans, elevations & nets of simple 3-D shapes

Editor's note Jan 24 2022 19:50 - correction made to the final 2-way table question.

Pat and Mitch decide to build a mini wildlife pond from an old sink. This involves digging, gathering and arranging suitable items, a trip to the aquatic centre to buy water plants, and then sitting back and observing the fruit of their labours :)

Entry Level 1
Entry Level 2
FM Simple one step problem(s)
FM E1.1 Read, write, order, compare numbers to 20
FM E2.1 Count up to 100 items
FM E1.8 Describe & make comparisons between measures of items inc. size, length, width, height, weight, capacity
FM E2.14 Use metric measures of length including millimetres, centimetres, metres & kilometres
FM E3.16 Compare measures of weight including grams & kilograms
FM E2.16 Use measures of capacity including millilitres & litres
FM E1.9 Identify & recognise common 2-D & 3-D shapes inc. circle, cube, rectangle (inc. square) & triangle
FM E2.19 Recognise & name 2-D & 3-D shapes including pentagons, hexagons, cylinders, cuboids, pyramids, spheres
FM E1.10 Use everyday positional vocabulary to describe position & direction including left, right, in front, behind, under & above
FM E2.21 Use appropriate positional vocabulary to describe position & direction including between, inside, outside, middle, below, on top, forwards & backwards
FM E1.7 Know the number of days in a week, months, & seasons in a year. Name & sequence them.
FM E1.12 Sort & classify objects using a single criterion
FM E2.24 Sort and classify objects using two criteria
FM E1.13 Read & draw simple charts & diagrams inc. a tally chart, block diagram/graph
FM E2.22 Extract information from lists, tables, diagrams, bar charts
FM E2.23 Make numerical comparisons from bar charts
FM E2.25 Take information from one format and represent the information in another format including use of bar charts
Science, Nature & Weather
Gardening & Horticulture

Name each 2D shape and describe its properties.  Two separate worksheets: one for triangles, one for quadrilaterals. For Entry Level, hence angles are not a focus.
For each of the 6 quadrilaterals and 4 triangles, the learner is prompted to answer these questions: 

Entry Level 2
Entry Level 3
FM Context free underpinning
FM E2.19 Recognise & name 2-D & 3-D shapes including pentagons, hexagons, cylinders, cuboids, pyramids, spheres
FM E2.20 Describe properties of common 2-D & 3-D shapes including nos. of sides, corners, edges, faces, angles & base
FM E3.19 Sort 2-D & 3-D shapes using properties including lines of symmetry, length, right angles, angles inc. in rectangles & triangles

Name each 3D object and fill in the gaps about their properties. 
For each of the 9 common 3D shapes, the learner is prompted to complete information about: 

  • its name 
  • the number of curved and/or flat faces
  • the shape of the faces
  • the number of vertices (corners)
  • the number of edges

Editor's note
Answer sheet with detailed Functional Skills Maths mapping is available to contributors only

Entry Level 1
Entry Level 2
Entry Level 3
FM Context free underpinning
FM E1.9 Identify & recognise common 2-D & 3-D shapes inc. circle, cube, rectangle (inc. square) & triangle
FM E2.19 Recognise & name 2-D & 3-D shapes including pentagons, hexagons, cylinders, cuboids, pyramids, spheres
FM E2.20 Describe properties of common 2-D & 3-D shapes including nos. of sides, corners, edges, faces, angles & base
FM E3.19 Sort 2-D & 3-D shapes using properties including lines of symmetry, length, right angles, angles inc. in rectangles & triangles

Name each 2D shape and describe its properties. 
For each of the 8 common shapes, the learner is prompted to answer these questions: 

Entry Level 1
Entry Level 2
Entry Level 3
FM Context free underpinning
FM E1.9 Identify & recognise common 2-D & 3-D shapes inc. circle, cube, rectangle (inc. square) & triangle
FM E2.19 Recognise & name 2-D & 3-D shapes including pentagons, hexagons, cylinders, cuboids, pyramids, spheres
FM E2.20 Describe properties of common 2-D & 3-D shapes including nos. of sides, corners, edges, faces, angles & base
FM E3.19 Sort 2-D & 3-D shapes using properties including lines of symmetry, length, right angles, angles inc. in rectangles & triangles

Written to look at the reformed Entry Level 2 ‘Measures, shape and space’ content, the main focus of this resource is positional vocabulary, 3D shapes and time. It also covers aspects of Number and Data. It is not recommended for the initial teaching of skills (underpinning). If used for this, ensure all the ‘maths words’ (p1) are covered in advance and supply learners with real-life materials such as counters (I use pasta or dried beans) and 3D shapes where needed.

Entry Level 2
FM Simple one step problem(s)
FM E2.2 Read, write, order & compare numbers up to 200
FM E2.19 Recognise & name 2-D & 3-D shapes including pentagons, hexagons, cylinders, cuboids, pyramids, spheres
FM E2.20 Describe properties of common 2-D & 3-D shapes including nos. of sides, corners, edges, faces, angles & base
FM E1.10 Use everyday positional vocabulary to describe position & direction including left, right, in front, behind, under & above
FM E2.21 Use appropriate positional vocabulary to describe position & direction including between, inside, outside, middle, below, on top, forwards & backwards