AL Ww/L2.1 Spell technical words

Adult Literacy Core Curriculum (DfES 2001): writing / word focus / spelling

Ww/L2.1 Spell correctly words used most often in work, studies and daily life, including familiar technical words

  • Know and apply a range of methods (visual, phonetic, or kinaesthetic, or use analogies and mnemonics) to help learn and remember correct spellings
  • Understand how knowledge of word roots, prefixes and suffixes can support spelling, including the spelling of technical words
  • Understand that some polysyllabic words have unstressed vowel sounds, and that it is often helpful to segment the word into its parts, e.g. diff-er-ent, inter-est-ing, poison-ous

Suffixes and SQ3R (Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review). Two more wonderful mind maps from Nikki Brown. One summarises spelling rules for adding suffixes and is accompanied by 3 pages of revision worksheets. The second one sums up the SQ3R reading strategy – which can be useful for dyslexia and general reading support.
Please also download the separate answer sheet for the suffix questions.

Level 1
Level 2
Prefixes, suffixes & plurals
Adult literacy: reading comprehension (Rt)
AL Ww/L1.1 Spell & use spelling strategies
AL Ww/L2.1 Spell technical words
Dyslexia support

Two great mindmaps for visual / picture thinkers. One shows you how to mindmap, the other summarises spelling strategies.

Entry Level 2
Entry Level 3
Level 1
Level 2
AL Ww/E3.1 Spell common words
AL Ww/L1.1 Spell & use spelling strategies
AL Ww/L2.1 Spell technical words
Study Skills and General Teaching

An extensive 13 page resource that had a major facelift in 2007. Covers parts of speech (nouns and verbs), spelling rules, writing sentences, vocabulary, adding and removing suffixes and much more. With extensive teaching notes, student aims sheet, and ideas for using as a multisensory resource.

Entry Level 3
Level 1
Level 2
Prefixes, suffixes & plurals
AL Ww/E3.2 Use phonic knowledge to help spelling
Adult Literacy Rs/E3.2 Use implicit & explicit knowledge of word types/order to help with decoding/predicting meaning
Adult Literacy Rs/L1.1 Use implicit and explicit grammatical knowledge
Adult Lit Ws/L1.1 Write in complete sentences
AL Ww/L1.1 Spell & use spelling strategies
AL Ww/L2.1 Spell technical words