Fabulous set of resources used first with OCNW Construction students but also suitable for building services and engineering. Written for L1 Functional Skills students but can easily be simplified/extended to cover Entry 3 and Level 2.
Includes detailed mapping to Functional English, Functional Maths and Functional ICT.
Set of interactive and paper based activities based on buying and describing clothes. The on-screen activities (match words and pictures, drag and drop sentences, cloze activitiy, crossword) make a good group activity on an interactive whiteboard and can be extended and consolidated using the dialogue prompts, vocabulary cards and other activities in the PDF document.
Set of interactive activities based on living room furniture. Would make a good group activity on an interactive whiteboard or use on individual computers
To run, unzip the file (select “Extract all files”) into a new folder and click on hot potatoes living room to run. You may be asked by your web browser if you wish to allow ActviveX components – select “Yes, allow blocked content”.
Very handy help sheet – ideal for Functional Skills ICT Entry 3- L1 or any basic ICT class. Also provides useful practice in reading and following directions.
Level 1
Entry Level 3
Functional Skills ICT: Finding and selecting information
A 4 week scheme of work for OCN E3 Garden Horticulture. Great example of embedding aspects of all three Functional Skills into a vocational course. 4 × 2 hour sessions covering identifying weeds and vegetables; sowing seeds, bulbs and tubers; and preparing growing beds.
With detailed E3 Functional Maths,English and ICT mapping charts showing embedding of measuring, internet searching, reading instructions, writing plant profiles, etc.
Super set of three ICT task sheets that successfully embed Functional ICT, Functional English and even some Functional Maths!
Each task sheet involves composing, sending and replying to work-based emails: based in a dental surgery, a health centre and a travel agency.
Please also download the separate, very detailed, Functional Skills mapping document which includes differentiation ideas, teaching tips and embedding ideas.
Entry Level 3
Entry Level 2
Functional English - writing
Functional English reading
Functional Skills ICT: Developing, presenting and communicating information
Functional Skills ICT: Finding and selecting information
Lovely workbook for E1 ESOL, Literacy or Functional English. Use a prompt for discussion about the importance of keeping in touch, letting people know where you are, and asking for help. With plenty of opportunities for students to write their own texts.
Entry Level 1
Functional English - writing
AL Rt/E1.1 Read short familiar texts
Functional English reading
ESOL Wt/E1.1a Compose very simple text to communicate ideas or basic information
ESOL Rt/E1.1a Follow a short narrative on a familiar topic or experience
Functional Skills ICT: Developing, presenting and communicating information
This uses the Olympic games 2012 as a focus.The main emphasis is maths / numeracy but ICT and English reading skills are also covered.
[img_assist|nid=4367|title=|desc=|link=popup|align=left|width=70|height=100]Learners will read dates by looking at a calendar and marking on when the Olympics start and finish (including the Paralympics), read times that the football events start and finish and put these on a clockface, and read prices of tickets of a match that they choose. There are also questions on shapes, number, money and doubling.
Entry Level 2
Entry Level 1
Functional English reading
Functional Maths
Functional Skills ICT: Finding and selecting information
Writing and ICT task sheet designed to get reluctant writers to put pen to paper. Ideal for teenagers or anyone with an interest in music/video. Mapped to Functional English / ICT.
Level 2
Level 1
Entry Level 3
Functional English - writing
Adult Lit Wt/L2.3 Present information and ideas in a logical or persuasive sequence, using paragraphs where appropriate
Adult Lit Wt/L1.3 Present information in a logical sequence, using paragraphs where appropriate
Adult Lit Wt/L1.1 Plan and draft writing
AL Wt/E3.1 Plan & draft writing
Functional Skills ICT: Finding and selecting information