FM L1.19 Calculate discounts in multiples of 5% on amounts of money

L1.19 Calculate discounts in multiples of 5% on amounts of money

Subject content [reformed] functional skills: Mathematics (DfE, Feb 2018):

A resource I designed to help my L1 Functional Maths learners revise and check on areas they needed to work on. Covers ratio, mean, percentages, problem solving, fractions, area , volume and more!  

Editor's note

Fabulous practice and revision! Fully mapped to the Reformed Functional Maths criteria. If you are a resource contributor, an answer sheet is available :)  
See our Answer Sheets page for more details.

Level 1
FM Straightforward problem(s) with more than 1 step
FM L1.9 Find fractions of whole number quantities or measurements
FM L1.11 Add, subtract, multiply & divide decimals up to 2 decimal places
FM L1.14 Calculate percentages of quantities, inc. simple percentage increase / decrease by 5% & multiples of
FM L1.18 Calculate simple interest in multiples of 5%
FM L1.19 Calculate discounts in multiples of 5% on amounts of money
FM L1.20 Convert between units of length, weight, capacity, money and time, in the same system
FM L1.21 Recognise & make use of simple scales on maps & drawings
FM L1.22 Calculate area & perimeter of simple shapes inc. those made up of combination of rectangles
FM L1.23 Calculate the volumes of cubes & cuboids
FM L1.24 Draw 2-D shapes & demonstrate an understanding of line symmetry & knowledge of the relative size of angles
FM L1.29 Find the mean & range of a set of quantities

Large set of questions inspired by the recent (2019) 75th anniversary of the D Day Landings.  Covers many aspects of the Reformed FS 2018 content such as bearings, nets, underpinning questions and non-calculator tasks.

Editor's notes

Level 1
Level 2
FM Context free underpinning
FM Straightforward problem(s) with more than 1 step
FM L1.1 Read, write, order & compare large numbers (up to one million)
FM L1.15 Estimate answers to calculations using fractions and decimals
FM L2.2 Carry out calculations with numbers up to 1 million inc. strategies to check answers e.g. estimation & approximation
FM L1.14 Calculate percentages of quantities, inc. simple percentage increase / decrease by 5% & multiples of
FM L2.8 Express one number as a fraction of another
FM L1.19 Calculate discounts in multiples of 5% on amounts of money
FM L1.20 Convert between units of length, weight, capacity, money and time, in the same system
FM L1.22 Calculate area & perimeter of simple shapes inc. those made up of combination of rectangles
FM L1.23 Calculate the volumes of cubes & cuboids
FM L1.24 Draw 2-D shapes & demonstrate an understanding of line symmetry & knowledge of the relative size of angles
FM L1.26 Use angles when describing position & direction, & measure angles in degrees
FM L1.25 Interpret plans, elevations & nets of simple 3-D shapes
FM L1.27 Represent discrete data in tables, diagrams & charts inc. pie charts, bar charts, line graphs
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