Editable online interactive Word worksheet. Explore various sites to practice adding -ed and -ing suffixes and investigate irregular past tense verbs. Uses the Guide to Grammar and Writing http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/ and English Zone http://www.english-zone.com
Entry Level 2
Entry Level 3
AL Ww/E3.2 Use phonic knowledge to help spelling
ESOL Ws/E3.2a Use basic sentence grammar accurately
ESOL Ww/E2.1b Use knowledge of sound–symbol relationships & phonological patterns when spelling
Read a web page (included in the resource) about the Hilton and answer 7 multiple choice (level 1 exam-style) questions covering comprehension, spelling and grammar. With teaching ideas and answer sheet.
Designed as an end of year activity for an Entry 3 – Level 1 literacy class at Abingdon and Witney College. Use as individual worksheets, a group class exercise, paired work, homework or a quiz. Most questions are based on ‘Words of the Week’: these are words that had been focused upon in various classes throughout the year (see below).
Entry Level 3
Level 1
Adult Literacy Rs/L1.1 Use implicit and explicit grammatical knowledge
Another resource in our popular Chomwell Green series (see below). A lovely shared text with a touch of humour! Created and used by a literacy volunteer during a series of lessons on descriptive writing. Text can be used for a multitude of activities but is particularly good for work on prefixes and suffixes, and punctuation. Best enlarged to A3 to allow for annotation and highlighting. Includes suggested exercises and teaching ideas.
Tutor notes, student hand-out (L1/2) about objective v subjective (persuasive) descriptions, reading activity on fact and opinion (in Estate Agent ads) with fill-in sheet, and lots of writing ideas. An ideal companion to our Estate Agents writing frame and the other popular resources in our Chomwell Green series. Originally used for a class writing project (using adjectives) in Jan 2002.
Entry Level 2
Entry Level 3
Level 1
Level 2
Rt/L2.2 Identify the purpose of a text and infer meaning which is not explicit
Adult Lit Ws/E2.2 Use Adjectives
AL Wt/E3.1 Plan & draft writing
Adult Lit Wt/L1.1 Plan and draft writing
Adult Lit Wt/L1.4 Use language suitable for purpose and audience
Adult Lit Wt/L1.5 Use format and structure for different purposes
Plan, draft and write Estate Agents Ads. Use with our other descriptive writing resources. Two differentiated frames and an exemplar text. Part of a set of popular Chomwell Green resources (see below).
Entry Level 2
Entry Level 3
Level 1
Adult Lit Ws/E2.2 Use Adjectives
AL Wt/E3.1 Plan & draft writing
Adult Lit Wt/L1.1 Plan and draft writing
Adult Lit Wt/L1.2 Judge how much to write and the level of detail to include
Adult Lit Wt/L1.3 Present information in a logical sequence, using paragraphs where appropriate
Adult Lit Wt/L1.4 Use language suitable for purpose and audience
Adult Lit Wt/L1.5 Use format and structure for different purposes
Tips for students sitting onscreen/online Level 1 or 2 multiple choice literacy and numeracy exams. Adapted from our original version for paper based exams. A free editable Word Version of this resource is available by emailing skilsworkshop details of where you teach Basic Skills. This will enable you to: customise the page with your own college logo, change picture, add your own tips, etc.
Tips for students sitting paper-based Level 1 or 2 multiple choice literacy and numeracy exams. A free editable Word Version of this resource is available by emailing Maggie with details of where you teach Basic Skills. This will enable you to: customise the page with your own college logo, change picture, add your own tips, etc.