On-screen activity or video

An interactive activity, such as a quiz, cloze or writing exercise, that runs in a web browser. Also includes videos.

This activity uses the prologue of The Secret History (Donna Tartt, 1992) to examine structure, language features and basic inference skills.

Editor's notes

Cleverly constructed questions and clear layout creates a super, very accessible and useful resource. :)

GCSE English Reading AO2 Explain & analyse language & structure
GCSE Reading AO1a Identify/interpret explicit & implicit information & ideas

Topic: Fitness and giving opinions on a Joe Wicks fitness app after watching a video clip.

Uses NCFE spec for task 1 in listening and speaking exam. Teacher created content following NCFE guidance documents. I hope it is accurate and welcome feedback in case this does not represent the criteria. 

Created for a student who needs a lot of support around speaking and listening. Can be adapted to much freer discussion with more cognitively able students. 

Editor's note

Entry Level 3
FE E3.3 Communicate information & opinions clearly on a range of topics
FE E3.4 Respond appropriately to questions on a range of straightforward topics
FE E3.2 Make requests & ask concise questions using appropriate language in different contexts
FS Eng E3.1 Identify & extract relevant information & detail in straightforward explanations
FE E3.5 Follow & understand the main points of discussions
FE E3.6 Make relevant contributions to group discussions about straightforward topics
ESOL Listen and respond (Lr)
Sport and fitness