AN N1/E3.1 place value <1000, odd / even, count in 10s /100s

Count, read, write, order and compare numbers up to 1000 in words and figures (a) Understand that the position of a digit signifies its value (b) Know what each digit in a three-digit number represents, including the use of zero as a place holder (c) Recognise odd and even numbers (d) Count on or back in 10s or 100s starting from any two-digit or three-digit number, up to 1000

Adult Numeracy Core Curriculum, Basic Skills Agency / DfEE (2001, 2006):

This is an Excel file with a basic odd/even activity. I took inspiration from Jean Thomas’ “Reveal the hidden shapes!” activity from 2005.

With this activity, the tutor can design a picture (or one learner can design a picture for another learner) and it produces a printable sheet. The learner then shades all the odd numbers on the sheet in one colour, and all the even numbers in a different colour – revealing a picture or a message.

There are no macros, so cross-compatibility with Excel shouldn’t be a problem.

Entry Level 2
Entry Level 3
FM Context free underpinning
FM E2.3 Recognise & sequence odd & even numbers up to 100
AN N1/E3.1 place value <1000, odd / even, count in 10s /100s
AN N1/E2.2 Read, write, order & compare numbers to 100; odd even nos.
AN N1/E2.1 Count reliably to 100, count on in 2s and 10s

Although many learners find patterns and sequences (including odd & even numbers) straightforward, there is a sizeable proportion that really struggle – particularly those with dyslexia and/or dyscalculia.

This resource grew from my frustration at the lack of practice material available for this topic at Entry Levels 2 and 3 in my one to one support sessions. There is generally only one question on this topic per FS assessment, and I found it difficult to come up with real life functional problems off the top of my head.

Entry Level 2
Entry Level 3
AN N1/E3.1 place value <1000, odd / even, count in 10s /100s
AN N1/E2.2 Read, write, order & compare numbers to 100; odd even nos.
AN N1/E2.1 Count reliably to 100, count on in 2s and 10s
FM E2.3 Recognise & sequence odd & even numbers up to 100
FM E3.6 Recognise & continue linear sequences of numbers up to 100
Sport and fitness
Retail Hospitality Customer service
Leisure, Hobbies, Travel & Tourism
Gardening & Horticulture

Teaching learners at Entry Level I have found that many of them have difficulties using coins to pay for their snacks or checking their change.

This resource includes a collection of worksheets that start with several number sequences counting in twos, then move on to count the total value of different number of 2p coins and finish asking the learner to count the number of 2p coins that they need to make up different amounts. The sequence of worksheets is repeated counting in 5s and using 5p coins, then counting in 10s and using 10p coins.

Entry Level 2
Entry Level 1
AN N1/E3.1 place value <1000, odd / even, count in 10s /100s
AN N1/E2.1 Count reliably to 100, count on in 2s and 10s
Functional Maths - measures, shape & space
General ESOL
Independent living

Place value game involving dice and calculators. Helps build confidence with place value.
Can be used with all ability levels and easy to adapt.

Entry Level 2
Entry Level 3
Level 1
AN N1/L1.3
AN N1/L1.1 Place value to millions. < and > symbols
AN N1/E3.1 place value <1000, odd / even, count in 10s /100s
AN N1/E2.1 Count reliably to 100, count on in 2s and 10s
Functional Maths - numbers and the number system
AN N1/E3.2
AN N1/E2.3

Place value starter based on an Open University course activity.

Useful as a carousel activity at the start of a lesson. Could be adapted for E2 by using 2 boxes rather than three. You may want to laminate the second page.

Entry Level 3
Entry Level 2
AN N1/E3.1 place value <1000, odd / even, count in 10s /100s
AN N1/E2.1 Count reliably to 100, count on in 2s and 10s

An interesting worksheet that covers both literacy and numeracy. Best used with an interactive food label on the UK Government Eatwell site but the questions can also be answered using the provided printout.
Covers reading comprehension (scanning), extracting information from tables, using decimals and place value.

Entry Level 3
Functional English reading
AN N1/E3.1 place value <1000, odd / even, count in 10s /100s
AN N2/E3.3
Functional Maths - numbers and the number system
Health, Social care, Early years
Catering Food Nutrition

This 16 piece triangular jigsaw is a great way to practise matching numbers to their written-as-words equivalents. Numbers range from 10 to a million but overall are suitable for E2 and E3. As usual with Tarsia puzzles, you can choose to print either a standard or large version of the puzzle (select Output – large, i.e. three pieces per A4 sheet).

Entry Level 3
Entry Level 2
AN N1/E3.1 place value <1000, odd / even, count in 10s /100s
AN N1/E2.2 Read, write, order & compare numbers to 100; odd even nos.

A very useful set of revision questions covering place value, simple fractions & percentages, number patterns, times tables and more .

Entry Level 2
Entry Level 3
AN N1/E2.2 Read, write, order & compare numbers to 100; odd even nos.
AN N1/E3.1 place value <1000, odd / even, count in 10s /100s

An adaptation of John Thompson’s popular You’re in the money (1997 – see below) which makes good use of Argos and Littlewoods catalogues. This adaptation has differentiated task sheets (E2-3, and L1-2) and is ideal for underpinning many aspects of Functional Mathematics including money, odd-even numbers, problem solving, rounding, averages and more; in addition to developing problem solving skills.

Entry Level 2
Entry Level 3
Level 1
Level 2
Data Handling
Functional Maths
AN MSS1/E3.1 Add & subtract money using decimal notation
AN MSS1/L1.1 Add, subtract, multiply & divide sums of money and record
AN N1/E3.1 place value <1000, odd / even, count in 10s /100s
Independent living

Pay Day is a great adaptation of earlier bank balance games (Jane Marsh’s original E3-L1 version and Judith White’s adapted L2 business version both still availalbe – see below).
This version was written specially for Entry Level learners on job related provision and is designed to get learners to think about their own finances: both in terms of what affects their regular income and what they could potentially do to improve their own situation.
Ideal for (and fully mapped to) E2-E3 Functional Maths.

Entry Level 2
Entry Level 3
Functional Maths - measures, shape & space
Functional Maths - numbers and the number system
AN N1/E2.3
AN N1/E3.2
AN N1/E2.2 Read, write, order & compare numbers to 100; odd even nos.
AN N1/E3.1 place value <1000, odd / even, count in 10s /100s
Employment skills & Public services